percy / cli

The Percy CLI is used to interact with, and upload snapshots to, via the command line.
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V1.28.2 introduces a bug causing our CI to fail due to bad requests #1568

Closed Osseta closed 3 months ago

Osseta commented 3 months ago

The problem

V1.28.2 causes requests for assets that do not exists to be sent to our application server which causes the server to raise an error and our test suite ro fail.

This only occurs when we request a percy snapshot.

The error looks like

       No route matches [GET] "/__serialized__/_fo6qheiye.svg+xml"
     # ./lib/static_asset_middleware.rb:14:in `call'

It appears related to the introduction serializeBase64() of in commit fe2a


Debug logs


prklm10 commented 3 months ago

We will look into this.

pankaj443 commented 3 months ago

Hey @Osseta , a fix for this is released in the latest version, 1.28.3

Osseta commented 3 months ago

I can confirm that release 1.28.3 resolves the issue in our CI pipeline.