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Freebase and Virtuoso #189

Open CAROLZXYZXY opened 5 years ago

CAROLZXYZXY commented 5 years ago


I download the full copy of freebase with the method in pull-dependencies, and try to use the freebase to do question answering task on WebQuestionsSP, which is an parsed version of Webquestions (a part of project sempre). However, when I try to execute the queries in WebQuestionsSP, only ~5% of the queries have returned result. Not sure if it is the problem of interacting Freebase and Virtuoso, or other problem (at least no error thrown) I'd appreciate a lot if you could help us with this.

Here is the link of WebQuestionsSP:

BTW, the virtuoso I'm using is not strictly under your tutorial, it is when I tried to setup the freebase provided by Siva (which is around 50GB) after extracting out.

Thank you very much!

qshi95 commented 5 years ago

Did you solved this issue? I meet the same problem.