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Installation problem #190

Closed phs-sakshi closed 5 years ago

phs-sakshi commented 5 years ago

After cloning it, I am not able to execute the command "./pull-dependencies core" it shows an error as "." is not recognized as an internal or external command. I am using java 8 and ant version 1.10.5. I even tried to change to .\ but got the same error. Also I tried to add a semicolon at the end of PATH variable in the Environment variable but of no use.

ppasupat commented 5 years ago

What operating system are you using? The software is optimized for unix-like OSes and might not work well on Windows.

pull-dependencies and run are written in ruby. Provided that ruby is installed, you can try running:

ruby pull-dependencies core
phs-sakshi commented 5 years ago

Thanks that worked. I am using windows 10. while executing ./run @mode=simple, do I need to do that also with ruby?

ppasupat commented 5 years ago

Yes, just do ruby run instead of ./run

phs-sakshi commented 5 years ago

C:/Users/Sakshi Sharma/Documents/GitHub/sempre/fig/lib/myutils.rb:389:in `fork': fork() function is unimplemented on this machine (NotImplementedError) I am actually getting a fork implementation error for that.

ppasupat commented 5 years ago

Here's a potential workaround:

phs-sakshi commented 5 years ago

Thank a lot for your help. Actually, I am still not able to get it. The output is something like this--> C:\Users\Sakshi Sharma\Documents\GitHub\sempre>ruby run @mode=simple -n java -cp libsempre/:lib/ -ea edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.Main -Main.interactive

C:\Users\Sakshi Sharma\Documents\GitHub\sempre>java -cp libsempre/:lib/ -ea edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.Main -Main.interactive Error: Could not find or load main class edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.Main

Any suggestions?

ppasupat commented 5 years ago

Are there jar files in the libsempre directory? If not, run ant first.

Another thing to try is changing / to \.

phs-sakshi commented 5 years ago

I am getting the same error. I ran ant clean ruby pull-dependencies core ruby pull-dependencies corenlp ant core corenlp java -cp libsempre/:lib/ -ea edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.Main -Main.interactive same error.

ppasupat commented 5 years ago

java -cp libsempre/:lib/ -ea edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.Main -Main.interactive

Could you try changing libsempre/:lib/ to libsempre\;lib\ (with a semicolon instead of a colon) or C:\.....(full path to this directory)....\libsempre\;C:\.....(full path to this directory)....\lib\

Alternatively, set the classpath globally by following the instructions here: Use the full path to the libsempre and lib directories

phs-sakshi commented 5 years ago

I was getting the same error for that as well. So I dual boot ubuntu on my pc. Now it's working!! I guess it has some issues with windows. Thanks a lot for your help.