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Empty list returned on querying freebase #202

Closed mr-asleep closed 4 years ago

mr-asleep commented 4 years ago


When I try to run this command: ./run @mode=simple-freebase-nocache @sparqlserver=localhost:3001 and write (execute fb:en.california) in the prompt, I am getting an empty list. Output- SparqlExecutor.execute: fb:en.california (list) I have pulled all the dependencies. Please help me solve the issue. Thanks!

ppasupat commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I'm unable to run virtuoso on my machine right now. But could you try adding the following to the command line to dump debug information:

--SparqlExecutor.verbose 10
ppasupat commented 4 years ago

Make sure you ran the add command in the Setting up your own Virtuoso graph database section. The command is

freebase/scripts/virtuoso add freebase/data/tutorial.ttl 3001

Otherwise the database will be empty.

mr-asleep commented 4 years ago

Make sure you ran the add command in the Setting up your own Virtuoso graph database section. The command is

freebase/scripts/virtuoso add freebase/data/tutorial.ttl 3001

Otherwise the database will be empty.

This is what happens when I type the add command:

freebase/scripts/virtuoso add freebase/data/tutorial.ttl 3001

/home/ritik/sempre/fig/lib/myutils.rb:276:in block in extractArgs': Unknown type: 'Fixnum' (RuntimeError) from /home/ritik/sempre/fig/lib/myutils.rb:261:ineach_index' from /home/ritik/sempre/fig/lib/myutils.rb:261:in extractArgs' from fig/bin/chunk:7:in

' freebase/scripts/virtuoso:18:in Integer': invalid value for Integer(): "" (ArgumentError) from freebase/scripts/virtuoso:18:inparseInt' from freebase/scripts/virtuoso:130:in add' from freebase/scripts/virtuoso:222:in
' Please help. Thanks

ppasupat commented 4 years ago

Could you try installing an older version of Virtuoso? Version seems to work fine on my end.

  1. Remove the existing virtuoso-opensource directory.
  2. Download Virtuoso Open Source Edition v7.2.5.1. Extract the source zip as virtuoso-opensource. (The zipped directory name will have a version number; simply remove that.)
  3. Follow the installation instruction from README, and then set up the database.