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How to run overnight samples interactively? #204

Open nafees55 opened 4 years ago

nafees55 commented 4 years ago

How to test the samples after training the model using following command?

./run @mode=overnight @domain=recipes

ppasupat commented 4 years ago

I'm not familiar with the overnight module, but this CodaLab worksheet may help.

One of the bundles says

./run @mode=overnight @domain=recipes -trainFrac 1 -devFrac 0 -maxExamples train:2000 test:500

So probably this would do:

./run @mode=overnight @domain=recipes -trainFrac 0 -devFrac 1

To load a model (parameter weights) from the params file, add -Builder.inParamsPath path/to/params to the command line.

Alternatively, adding -interactive should bring up an interactive session for testing.