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Semantic Parser with Execution
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Simple questions using SEMPRE #218

Open lucas-g-cardoso opened 3 years ago

lucas-g-cardoso commented 3 years ago


I am using PlotQA, which uses SEMPRE and I am trying to run inference in some generated CSV files.

I already generated the CSV files using PlotQA, now I just need a way to "ask some questions" to these few tables. I am using SEMPRE Tables (Semantic Parsing on Semi-Structured Tables). My question here is how can I do this in a simples way? I could not find commands to run simple questions, just to run training modes.

I hope you guys can help me out. Thanks in advance.

ppasupat commented 3 years ago

Could you try the interactive mode as described in

You can load the params of a trained model by adding -Builder.inParamsPath path/to/params to the command line. You might also need to specify the right grammar file and features. What does PlotQA use for grammar and features?

lucas-g-cardoso commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the rapid response.

PlotQA uses the default grammar of SEMPRE tables (as far as I know). I was also able to use the interactive mode for some simple examples, but I was wondering: Is there a faster way to do it? Maybe a function to call in a pipeline, that asks automatically some specified questions to previously generated tables?