perdian / macosappbundler-maven-plugin

Maven plugin for creating a native macOS bundle containing all dependencies required by a Maven project
Apache License 2.0
46 stars 14 forks source link

Question: where does system environment come from (and how to change it)? #49

Closed jpage4500 closed 1 month ago

jpage4500 commented 3 months ago

Hi @perdian - This isn't an issue at all.. this library has worked great for me!

My question just is how the system environment is set? I noticed when running my app if I call System.getenv() and look for the PATH this is what I get:

PATH : /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin

I have several other folders set in my PATH (set in ~/.profile) so those aren't getting picked up.

FWIW here's how my app is setup (pom.xml)

                        <CFBundleDisplayName>Android Device Manager</CFBundleDisplayName>
                        <!-- set to true to package entire JRE (NOTE: resulting app won't be compatible with both arm and x86 macs)-->
                        <!--<location>/Applications/Android Studio</location>-->
perdian commented 3 months ago

I'm actually not really sure 😎

My assumption is that ~/.profile is only loaded from a shell, so if you start your application from /Applications/ then the environment variables should be taken from the shell. Otherwise the "regular" environment variables will be used.