pereorga / minimalist-web-notepad

Minimalist Web Notepad
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Update to allow dash/hyphen in note name #30

Closed domOrielton closed 5 years ago

domOrielton commented 5 years ago

Update to allow note names with a dash or hyphen - this would enable easily readable names if required e.g. /notes-roadmap /notes-useful-links /notes-issues, etc. I'm using this on my install so hope it helps someone else. Dom

pereorga commented 5 years ago

Merged, thanks!

domOrielton commented 5 years ago

Glad to help. Also wanted to check with you that you are ok with me forking your code into another project - domOrielton/minimal-web-notepad? Pretty sure the license covers it but I always like to ask! Your code is the basis for it, I've just added some additional functionality (and size so it's around 11kb minified/gzipped) by basically adding a header to the notes text file when saving when needed - something like [header] &noteName=some-note-name&noteHash=bWluZGZ1bG5lc3M=&password=$2y$10$a01tS0J11QStOEpeKf4S5uaerKC.H/5CLMGFaw3IYPhv9tlwG9B3e&allowReadOnlyView=1 Hope this is ok and thank you for an excellent piece of core code to start from. Dom

pereorga commented 5 years ago

That is completely fine of course, thanks for letting me know.

twamix commented 5 years ago

hi,Can you add a password protection function to the article?

domOrielton commented 5 years ago

@twamix This is @pereorga's decision - and I see the question has been asked before in closed issues - but if you want a version with password protection then my fork has this functionality ( It does increase the size a little but does what you ask and I would appreciate any feedback, feel free to log any issues under my fork. It should be fully compatible with this version, just change the data directory path in config.php if you want to access existing files.