perezpaya / lolfire-source

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Login Que Loop #11

Open tflanagan opened 11 years ago

tflanagan commented 11 years ago

Good Evening,

I have everything installed correctly, or so it seems, however I am in an unending loop, what am I missing?

Logging in.. Checking Login Queue connect.staticCache() is deprecated and will be removed in 3.0 use varnish or similar reverse proxy caches. Logging in.. Checking Login Queue Logging in.. Checking Login Queue Logging in.. Checking Login Queue

I would gladly help write up some documentation

tflanagan commented 11 years ago

Settings: { region: 'na', username: '_', password: '_', version: '', host: '', lqHost: '', port: 2099, debug: true }

I've tried two different versions, the version above is the version that is displayed during the loading screen on the bottom left. The other version is the version previously referenced, the one in the top left corner of the standard client (3.13.13_11_13_11_26) - Wrote that from memory, it may be wrong here, but I tried the correct version

Both did not work

tflanagan commented 11 years ago

I saw that I need my own MixPanel API Key? I tried the three they give you (key, secret, token) - none solved my login queue issue

perezpaya commented 11 years ago

@tflanagan nothing to do with Mixpanel. I will be fixing bugs early, but at the moment I have no time to work in this. Sorry