perfectly-balanced / PathBench

Benchmarking Platform for Classic and Learned Path Planning Algorithms.
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Fixing values issues #38

Closed Nabushika closed 3 years ago

Nabushika commented 3 years ago

Fixes #36, #35 (replacing .pos and .size with .values).

Most of the code now uses the more uniform tuple(p), except for indexing which is supported natively by point (not sure why this wasn't being used).

Also added command line options for analyzer, although these are open to suggestion - not sure the names are completely intuitive.

Also removed run_multiple because why? replaced the elifs in run with ifs - should work roughly the same (I think the order of simulator might be different for some combination of arguments, but we still always maintain the order Generate - Train - Analyze, which seems to make sense)

judicaelclair commented 3 years ago

Stale PR.