performant-software / Neatline

A lightweight framework for building interactive maps and publishing them on the web.
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layers folder #489

Closed hafizchin closed 4 years ago

hafizchin commented 4 years ago

this line should not be in .gitignore:

/layers !/layers/default.json

jeremyboggs commented 4 years ago

@hafizchin Thanks for sharing an issue. Can you say more why you don't think these lines shoud be in the .gitignore file?

hafizchin commented 4 years ago

the layers folder is required by the plugin.

without that file / folder image

with that file / folder


jeremyboggs commented 4 years ago

Hmm, ok, that's not cool.

When I clone this repo with git clone, I successfully do get that layers folder, with the included layers/layers.json file inside. This means you could add additional JSON layer files in there without git tracking them, which is why we have those lines in the .gitignore.

If you are cloning this with git, I wonder if there's some weirdness with the syntax we've used in the .gitignore, or if there's something we need to change for some git compatibility. (Those lines in the .gitignore were added many years ago.) I'm using Git version 2.24.0, for what that's worth.

If you're downloading a zip file from our site or the Omeka site, I worry we've messed something up in the export process to make the zip.

Can you share how you're getting Neatline? are there any other modifications you've made? If you do git status in the Neatline directory, does it indicate that the layers/layers.json file is missing?


hafizchin commented 4 years ago

Ah, I see the issue now.

Here's our workflow:

  1. we download zip file and extract it to our omeka instance (which is in git, we have lots of omeka instance)
  2. since it has .gitignore that file / folder gets ignored when we push it to our repo.
  3. it is then deployed to our prod servers
jeremyboggs commented 4 years ago

Yeah, it looks like git archive includes all the files in the repo by default, including .gitignore. I just redid that command and updated the v2.6.3 release with a zip file that explicitly does not include the .gitignore. That should help you maintain your existing workflow, if you're fetching a new zip every time you install/update your Omeka instances. For existing stuff, if you can't redownload the zip file, you may just have to go through and remove every .gitignore file on your servers, which doesn't sound too fun.

I hope this helps! I'll close this ticket, but happy to talk more about this particular issue.

hafizchin commented 4 years ago

thanks for the fast response