performant-software / Neatline

A lightweight framework for building interactive maps and publishing them on the web.
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Neatline update error - 2.6.4 - Timeline API #509

Open asundberg13 opened 1 month ago

asundberg13 commented 1 month ago

After upgrading to Neatline ver. 2.6.4 in Omeka Classic, I received the following error message when loading a project:

Deprecated: Required parameter $text follows optional parameter $exhibit in /home/stepping/public_html/unnatural/plugins/Neatline/helpers/Views.php on line 115

That line reads as follows: function nl_getExhibitAccessibleURL($exhibit=null, $text)

Additionally, it also has an added pop-up error stating the following: Error: Failed to derive URL prefix for Timeline API code files

I tried loading the page in Firefox and Edge and received similar issues.

All plugins (including Neatline) are updated and installed.