This is just an FYI. I am running Omeka-S v3.0.2. Upon unzip, before even doing the "Install", this message starts to appear.
"Warning: Declaration of Neatline\Module::onBootstrap(Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent $event) should be compatible with Omeka\Module\AbstractModule::onBootstrap(Laminas\Mvc\MvcEvent $event) in /var/www/edisondigital/modules/Neatline/Module.php on line 323"
This is just an FYI. I am running Omeka-S v3.0.2. Upon unzip, before even doing the "Install", this message starts to appear.
"Warning: Declaration of Neatline\Module::onBootstrap(Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent $event) should be compatible with Omeka\Module\AbstractModule::onBootstrap(Laminas\Mvc\MvcEvent $event) in /var/www/edisondigital/modules/Neatline/Module.php on line 323"