performous / composer

Song editor for Performous and other singing games
40 stars 23 forks source link

Microphone input #7

Open MairusuPawa opened 11 years ago

MairusuPawa commented 11 years ago

While not as trivial as my last request, here's one that could be really useful too!

First thing first, here's my current Composer workflow:

I always keep Performous open, using my window manager to keep it always visible. This allows me to sing along the song, live, and adjust pitches accordingly with a lot more precision. Maybe such a tool could be integrated, in some way, to Composer.

(Note that I do not rely only on my singing ability anyway - I also keep ZynAddSubFX running in the background to help, controled with a small midi keyboard)

tapio commented 11 years ago

We have planned to include microphone input, which would probably produce another pitch wave that could also be used in the auto pitch guessing. However, there is no timeline for the implementation.