Hi there. I'm currently in the process of extracting and converting some PS2 SingStar DVDs for use with UltraStar. I've used SS2USConv and now tried performous-tools.
In-game (Ultrastar) I've noticed that for some languages (in this instance polish) special characters are missing. Not all of them, but most. Thanks to these tools being open source, I managed to track down the files in the pak and had a look.
It seems that there are always(?) 3 melody files:
melody.xml - Always in ISO-8859-1 encoding?
melody_4.xml - In UTF-8 encoding but still only containing valid ISO-8859-1 characters
melody_5.xml - In UTF-8 enocding containing (in theory) all possible UTF-8 characters
For polish the only valid lyrics come from the melody_5.xml file (since most special characters here are not part of ISO-8859-1).
I've patched and compiled ss_extract locally to confirm its working.
Unless I'm missing the reason to always use melody.xml instead of melody_5.xml, I can provide a pull request for these changes.
Hi there. I'm currently in the process of extracting and converting some PS2 SingStar DVDs for use with UltraStar. I've used SS2USConv and now tried performous-tools.
In-game (Ultrastar) I've noticed that for some languages (in this instance polish) special characters are missing. Not all of them, but most. Thanks to these tools being open source, I managed to track down the files in the pak and had a look. It seems that there are always(?) 3 melody files:
For polish the only valid lyrics come from the melody_5.xml file (since most special characters here are not part of ISO-8859-1).
I've patched and compiled ss_extract locally to confirm its working.
Unless I'm missing the reason to always use melody.xml instead of melody_5.xml, I can provide a pull request for these changes.