performous / performous

An open-source music and rhythm game.
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How to get fixed the "music staff"? #460

Open rodroes opened 5 years ago

rodroes commented 5 years ago

Hello Everyone! This is Rodrigo, from Spain. I am a music teacher and I am specially interested in this software. Thank you so much for your developing hard work! I need such a specific feature, but I have think there must be possible quite easily. I would like to get the staff fixed, like in the training option on the menu. As I said, I am a music teacher and I am planning to use your software as a pilot project to improve instrumental learning. I supose that feature must be quite easy to configure via some config files, am I correct? How could I configure it at home, if possible? I know this is free software, so thank you again for your really nice contribution. Congratulations! Kind regards, Rodrigo

Baklap4 commented 5 years ago

What do you mean by 'music staff'?

rodroes commented 5 years ago

Hi!! I mean the grid. The one used in performous is for each semitone, instead of a tone. But it doesn't mind for me. I am interested just in keep that grid fixed. Thanks a lot !

Lord-Kamina commented 5 years ago

Mándame un mensaje privado; yo hablo español.

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rodroes commented 5 years ago

Buenas, Lord-Kamina! No encuentro la opción para ello, adivino que será en tu perfil. Disculpa mi ignorancia, es mi primera media hora aqui :-)

Lord-Kamina commented 5 years ago

Me equivoqué, contesté al issue pensando que era Discord. Entra a Discord en y escríbeme allá.

Lord-Kamina commented 5 years ago

Ok so, after talking to him:

He wants to use performous as an aid for teaching flute lessons and his main issue is the scrolling of the notegraph; he wanted it to be fixed/constrained to a certain range. I explained it might work either by using the rockband or ultrastar formats and just making sure the song doesn't have that big a range.

Still, it might be worth looking into (at some point in the future) providing an option to turn off the auto-scrolling of the graph.

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jose1711 commented 5 years ago

side note: he might want to try the hard mode in ultrastardx in which i believe exact sound frequency is expected to score

Tronic commented 5 years ago

Pitch wave cannot be displayed on traditional music staff because it wouldn't be able to show sharp notes. Showing the notes as in practice would be possible when pitch waves are disabled, or if note heads (as in practice) are shown instead. A bit smaller problem is that of using actual note symbols instead of the bars that we normally use. The practice screen already implements part of this, but reasonable handling of note durations needs to be added (with some sort of heuristics to detect 1/4 and other durations from UltraStar TXT format which has no such information).

The feature has been often requested (by people with musical training) and it'd be nice if someone implemented it as an option over the default mode. I'd estimate about two days of coding (incl. that of diving through the somewhat messy vocalgraph code, and drawing notes in Inkscape) but unfortunately I cannot take it myself.

mirabilos commented 5 years ago

I see two separate issues here:

As an amateur musician, I’d really love for a mode where I saw musical notation on the bottom, near the lyrics (ideally with the lyrics positioned correctly) so that I’ll know what to sing (many of the songs are slightly different editions from what I know or have extra or less ornaments, and most songs are only known from radio/CDs/etc. and not by notation), and the other thing on top for visual inspection of the pitch offset. (And as long as the song is not from Freddy Mercury or someone else with such an insanely broad range, not scaling/moving/shifting it during the song would work.)

Note that, if you implement traditional notation, two modes would be necessary: one with two lines standard grand stave 𝄞/𝄢 clef, for sopranos/melody lines or bass/baritone singers or pieces with huge ambitus, and one with either 𝄠 clef or even the one where the ottava is parenthesised, for tenor singers or melody lines where the octave does not matter.

(Tops when we can listen and hum to the starting pitch before the song starts…)

Baklap4 commented 4 years ago

Are we going to support this or no? If no let's close this issue

Tronic commented 4 years ago

This is such a frequently requested feature that it really ought to be supported. If you had asked a year ago, I would've said close it, but considering how much recent development activity there is in Performous, I now believe it would actually be realistic to get this new feature.

Since all the work lately has concentrated around bugs and build fixes, perhaps someone would be interested in doing actual gameplay improvements for a change? That surely would be noticed by end users as well, quite possibly sparking new interest on Performous.

twollgam commented 3 years ago

I think that #562 is one piece of the requested solution.

Baklap4 commented 2 years ago

@rodroes can you give #631 a try? Theres a setting in the menu to switch between dynamic and fixed mode

twollgam commented 2 years ago

If I understand this issue correctly the second part requests another type of drawing notes like here . How could the duration of a note mapped to the (nearly) correct note-sign (half, quarter ...)?

Baklap4 commented 2 years ago

If I understand this issue correctly the second part requests another type of drawing notes like here . How could the duration of a note mapped to the (nearly) correct note-sign (half, quarter ...)?

Oof this takes me back to music school... what i remember is there are like colored, non colored, short, long notes. If we can have a translation of those that can be realized.


twollgam commented 2 years ago

Hm, I think there are some infos missing.

  1. I do not know if BPM is always correct and usable.
  2. the GAP must mark the start of the first bar/measure. It exists but is it usable?
  3. I think the bar/measure type (for example 4/4 or 3/4) is completely missing.

So there is no chance to draw staff in a usable way.

mirabilos commented 2 years ago

twollgam dixit:

  1. I do not know if BPM is always correct and usable.

I’ve created a .txt file for Libera — Sanctus myself, and because I did this via midicsv the bpm that the .txt file has is 3600. It begins thus:







MP3:1-02. Libera - Sanctus.flac



: 353 584 31 Sa : 938 604 29 ~ : 1543 316 27 ~ : 1860 292 31 ~ : 2153 407 34 ~ : 2561 162 36 ~ : 2724 152 32 ~ : 2877 124 31 ~ : 3002 143 29 ~ : 3146 153 32 ~ : 3300 143 31 ~ : 3444 153 29 ~ : 3598 150 27 ~ : 3749 145 26 ~ : 3895 585 24 ~ : 4481 331 22 nctus.

According to the file format docs, the bpm in the file header is strictly to match between song timings and lyrics timings. They have no correspondence to the usual note timings (this piece starts with ♩ = 98, ritardando’ing to 60 near the end; I have set this also in MuseScore, matching the timings from the FLAC as closely as I could; I used a trial version of AnthemScore, as Performous Composer basically didn’t display any useful information, although I used it when almost done for length tweaks).

bye, //mirabilos --

you introduced a merge commit │ % g rebase -i HEAD^^ sorry, no idea and rebasing just fscked │ Segmentation should have cloned into a clean repo │ fault (core dumped) if I rebase that now, it's really ugh │ wuahhhhhh
twollgam commented 1 year ago

@Baklap4 I think we should close this issue cause there are all parts implemented that were possible to do. Drawing notes with correct duration, bars/measures etc. would be very hard to do. And this leaves the scope of performous I think.

mirabilos commented 1 year ago

Tobias Wollgam dixit:

@Baklap4 I think we should close this issue cause there are all parts @implemented that were possible to do. Drawing notes with correct @duration, bars/measures etc. would be very hard to do. And this leaves @the scope of performous I think.


You probably don’t need to draw notes with the correct durations or barlines, but e.g. fixing the “stave lines” and especially not drawing halftone-interval lines would help a lot.

Thanks in advance, //mirabilos

twollgam commented 1 year ago

@mirabilos should performous draw only the typical 5-lines? Could you provide a mockup or something like that?

mirabilos commented 1 year ago

Tobias Wollgam dixit:

@mirabilos do performous draw only the typical 5-lines?

Uh, what?

Could you provide a mockup or something like that?

I… think I can try, but not right now, deep in something else, maybe over the weekend.

bye, //mirabilos -- Yes, I hate users and I want them to suffer. -- Marco d'Itri on gmane.linux.debian.devel.general

twollgam commented 1 year ago

@mirabilos there is no hurry.