pericazivkovic / portablepython

Build environment for the Portable Python project
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Make some general wiki pages #32

Open Metallicow opened 10 years ago

Metallicow commented 10 years ago

The wiki is empty :(

Make some pages for users and developers. The project will progress faster that way.

A few things that would be helpful.

  1. Adding a new package to the builder. Detail all source files needing edited and the basic rundown for building and testing the edit(building a small package instead of the whole thing would make testing and integration faster). ATM pep8 isn't included, so that would serve as a good wiki example as it should be a simple module to add. A googler asked this a while back here.!topic/portablepython/P-YGxTdMZHA
  2. A rundown of what the tools do. Ex: Universal extractor, etc...
  3. A package wishlist page. So users and devs can edit requests directly as they are requested and completed.
  4. Anything else folks might find helpful. Tips and tricks, using certain portable py packages, etc...