Hello! Thank you for a great package. I am running into an issue where there isn't enough memory when running dmrff. I have N=~700K CpG sites (EPIC array) and N=~6.5K individuals. I wondered whether it would be feasible for me to subset EWAS sumstats to only those CpGs with pval <= 0.05, and input only these CpGs in the dmr analysis.
Hello! Thank you for a great package. I am running into an issue where there isn't enough memory when running dmrff. I have N=~700K CpG sites (EPIC array) and N=~6.5K individuals. I wondered whether it would be feasible for me to subset EWAS sumstats to only those CpGs with pval <= 0.05, and input only these CpGs in the dmr analysis.
Thank you!