peritor / simply_stored

A convenience wrapper around CouchDB (using CouchPotato) that supports relations and S3 attachments
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CouchDB and SimplyStored #3

Open shenoudab opened 14 years ago

shenoudab commented 14 years ago

Dears, i was trying SimplyStored with CouchDB today with rails master and simply_stored master after configure and running i got the following :

firstly, when calling the index method of the model "localhost:3000/posts" .. its shows RestClient::RequestTimeout (Request Time Out).

when trying to create a model which have Date property as :type => Date or :type => :date i got the following undefined method `start_date(1i)='

roidrage commented 14 years ago

First up, SimplyStored is untested with Rails 3.x. We're using it with 2.3 for now, so your mileage with 3.x may vary.

Could you be a bit more specific as to which CouchDB version you're using, what your model exactly looks like and what index method is called? Would sure help a lot figuring out the issues you may have. Plus, any output from the CouchDB log would be useful. Also, which version of CouchRest got installed?

shenoudab commented 14 years ago

CouchDB 0.11 ,

include SimplyStored::Couch property :title property :body

index called method Post.all

couchrest versions both 1.0.0.beta2, 0.37 installed.

roidrage commented 14 years ago

What happens when you create an object on the console and then call Post.all? Does it take a long time to finish?

DonFuego commented 13 years ago

Can anyone shed some light on how to configure simply_stored with Rails 3.x? I'm trying to simply do a hello world type example using this setup and struggling a bit.

I've got: gem 'simply_stored' in my GemFile but not sure where to add the database configuration for CouchPotato

I understand this is untested...curious if it's possible. Thanks in advance!