perktime / InstallSQLServerByDSCForAzure

ARM Template to install SQL Server using PowerShell DSC in an Azure VM
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Does this still work with SqlServerDSC #1

Open mjcarrabine opened 4 years ago

mjcarrabine commented 4 years ago

Your code solves exactly what I am trying to do, but it looks like over the last 3 years, this issue in SqlServerDSC appears to be breaking this solution Azure File Share for SourcePath not working #493

Are you aware of any current solution that lets you use SqlServerDSC SqlSetup to install SQL Server with the files stored in an Azure File Share? Or even a DSC resource to mount the Azure File Share as a drive and then SqlSetup should work as expected?

mjcarrabine commented 4 years ago

I was able to get it to work using the File resource to copy the files locally first.

        File SQLServer2017Source {
            Ensure = "Present"
            Type = "Directory"
            Recurse = $true
            SourcePath = "\\[storage account name]\applications\MS SQL Server 2017\SqlSetup_x64_ENU"
            DestinationPath = "C:\SQL2017"
            Credential = $SourceCredential

        SqlSetup SqlSetup{
            InstanceName = "MSSQLSERVER"
            Features = "SQLENGINE"
            SourcePath = "C:\SQL2017"
            SQLSysAdminAccounts = @("Administrators")
            DependsOn = "[File]SQLServer2017Source"