perky / Minechem

Add chemistry to minecraft.
23 stars 7 forks source link

Dmillerw has kicked everyone out and is now claims he is the sole author of this mod #135

Closed MFernflower closed 11 years ago

MFernflower commented 11 years ago

Please get him out of power. He blocked me from the github,skype and deopped me from the irc

perky commented 11 years ago

I've sent him a message. Not sure what's causing drama, I told him he has permission to edit Minechem like everybody else has. It's late here but I'll sort this out tomorrow.

MFernflower commented 11 years ago

He also said our code was a mess and stormed out of skype. We need you back!!!!!!!!!

MFernflower commented 11 years ago

Its just me and rushmead again