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Turn Larry Wall's Raku post into an article #269

Open jubilatious1 opened 3 years ago

jubilatious1 commented 3 years ago

Larry gently explaining some of the differences between Perl and Raku one-liners.

From July, 2020.

Too good to languish in the NNTP Archives!

briandfoy commented 3 years ago

If someone wanted to write such an article, we could fit it in probably.

jubilatious1 commented 3 years ago

Well, @timtoady wrote the text, so he would need to approve publication.

Regardless, I can edit something together for @timtoady 's approval.

briandfoy commented 3 years ago

Any progress on this?

jubilatious1 commented 3 years ago

I just threw the text into a gist, and sent you a link via email.

Probably need @TimToady and @nelhage to sign off on using their text. Really it's a "conversation" between those two programmers. (I got the ball rolling by asking a question on the Perl6-Users mailing list, but my contribution has been minimal thus far).

Let me know if you want me to move that gist elsewhere, or what to do with it. Thanks.

briandfoy commented 3 years ago

Please keep the conversation here so everyone involved can see it. My inbox isn't a good place for me to remember to do something. :)

Also, we don't want to simply republish a mail message. We'd need to add value somehow. Extracting Larry's ideas and commenting on or expanding them would be a good start.

The best thing to do is create a new article and send a pull request.

jubilatious1 commented 3 years ago

Got it. I forked the perldotcom repo and am reading through @dnmfarrell 's article(s) on how to contribute.