perliedman / geojson-path-finder

Find shortest path through a network of GeoJSON
ISC License
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Compacted graph contains no forks (topology has no intersections) #34

Closed Omnyyah closed 1 year ago

Omnyyah commented 6 years ago


Thank you for building this library, I'm trying to find the shortest path between 2 points, but I'm facing this error throw new Error('Compacted graph contains no forks (topology has no intersections).');

although my network.json segments are closed and I have points everywhere, so I don't why it cant finds intersection!

Thank you

perliedman commented 6 years ago


I common problem is that even though lines in the network cross, they do not share a common vertex (at least one of the coordinates in each line are the same or very close to each other). So, even though the lines cross, geojson-path-finder will not consider it an intersection unless both lines have a vertex at the crossing.

Might that explain the problem you're seeing?

Omnyyah commented 6 years ago

oh, ok in the network.json, are we only going to draw a polygon (collection of Linestring) around the area that we want to find the shortest path in? is it correct? how can we draw the GeoJSON correctly (I used and if the area is small will it calculate the shortest path?

Thank you!

perliedman commented 6 years ago

The network should only contain LineString features, and those line strings are the paths used to find the shortest path - so normally those line strings would represent roads you want to route along.

Where two paths meet (a fork or crossing), the line strings have to have a coordinate in common, otherwise the router will have no way to know that it can take another path.

You can certainly draw the network in or any other tool that outputs GeoJSON, but for most cases I would assume the network comes from some other source, for example OpenStreetMap or some proprietary source.

Omnyyah commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your response, but unfortunately, it didn't work with me, I think because the area I'm working on is small and it maybe recognizes all points as one point!

perliedman commented 6 years ago

Migth be, but in that case you have a very small area. For this case, you can use the precision option to manually set the tolerance that will snap coordinates together; it defaults to 1e-5.

If possible, you could show the network you're using and it might be easier to tell what the problem is.

Omnyyah commented 6 years ago

I changed it but the same problem, no intersections,,

this is my code :

var PathFinder = require('geojson-path-finder'),
    geojson = require('./network.json');

var pathFinder = new PathFinder(geojson, { precision: 1e-2 });

var start = {
    "type": "Feature",
    "properties": {},
    "geometry": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [24.467735, 39.609475 ]
var finish = {
    "type": "Feature",
    "properties": {},
    "geometry": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [24.468815, 39.608772]

var path = pathFinder.findPath(start,finish );


and here is network.json

perliedman commented 6 years ago

Hi again, a couple of things to note: you have swapped latitude and longitude in the coordinates for start and finish - they need to use longitude first, as in all GeoJSON.

Also, the start and finish coordinates need to exactly match coordinates actually in the network (for real world usage, find the network coordinate closest to the user's coordinates).

Finally, the network you supplied seems to not have coordinates that match up at each fork: for every place where the route can make a turn, you need to have two coordinates, one for each segment, that are really close to each other (where "close" is defined by the network's precision option).

As a test, I created a somewhat simpler example of your network to show what I mean. You can have a look at it here:

I run it with this slightly modified version of your code:

var pathFinder = new PathFinder(geojson);

var start = {
    "type": "Feature",
    "properties": {},
    "geometry": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [39.607925713062286,24.47097863336458]
var finish = {
    "type": "Feature",
    "properties": {},
    "geometry": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [39.60842192173004,24.46606670350022]

var path = pathFinder.findPath(start,finish);

And it outputs:

{ path: 
   [ [ 39.607925713062286, 24.47097863336458 ],
     [ 39.60849165916443, 24.47098351590331 ],
     [ 39.608494341373444, 24.470785772933606 ],
     [ 39.60849165916443, 24.47078333166044 ],
     [ 39.60848093032837, 24.4702145137209 ],
     [ 39.60848093032837, 24.469269733180717 ],
     [ 39.608462154865265, 24.4685764013488 ],
     [ 39.608451426029205, 24.46781959111763 ],
     [ 39.6084326505661, 24.46720925697256 ],
     [ 39.608424603939056, 24.46649150023269 ],
     [ 39.60842192173004, 24.46606670350022 ] ],
  weight: 0.6041907698481844,
  edgeDatas: undefined }

Hope this helps!

Just out of curiosity, given the location of your example data, what are you planning on using this for?

Omnyyah commented 6 years ago

ohhh, so it's my fault :( Thank you so much for your time, effort and help!

Just out of curiosity, given the location of your example data, what are you planning on using this for?

Actually I want to use it in one of school projects, I want to take user location along with any point he select on the map in my android application and then send these 2 locations to html file to calculate the shortest path using your AMAZING library, after getting the shortest path I want to draw it on a map, and display the path to the user to guide him :) (long story :) )

anyway, thank you very much.

cigone-openindoor commented 2 years ago

What about a circular LineString ?

Screenshot 2022-02-14 at 14 16 02

I get also "topology has no intersections".