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Can't run bin/xml against a symlink anymore? #112

Closed jhannah closed 7 years ago

jhannah commented 7 years ago

I'm entirely mystified by this. I've been using a symlink for this for ... a decade? That chunk of Template hasn't changed in 13 years, perl 5.26 and 5.18 agree that -d www (a symlink) is false, bin/xml hasn't changed... @rspier any idea?

➜ git:(master) ✗ ls -al www
lrwxr-xr-x  1 jhannah  staff  25 Oct 20  2014 www -> /Volumes/admin/groups/www
➜ git:(master) ✗ perl bin/xml
mkdir www: File exists at /Users/jhannah/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.26.0/lib/site_perl/5.26.0/darwin-2level/ line 187.
jhannah commented 7 years ago

Did the WebDAV mount software change so Perl used to see it as a directory, but no longer does?

jhannah commented 7 years ago

Created #113 as a work-around, if anybody has any feedback.

rspier commented 7 years ago

No idea.

This is a good reminder that we need to change how the hosting works, WebDAV is going away real soon now.

jhannah commented 7 years ago

@rspier ok. Well, I can host it on my Linode if you want. Or give me rsync access to a box of your choice?

rspier commented 7 years ago

I just sent you an email with details about a quick and dirty git solution.

jhannah commented 7 years ago

@rspier YAY! This is WAY faster than the old way. It used to take ~60s to flush because of all the WebDAV back and forth. (Plus it was ever only a partial flush cause a full flush took ... 10 minutes? Now it takes about 1 second.) I pushed to #113 and to your private repo to see if it sticks. Thanks!