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How can PM groups post their upcoming meetings #152

Closed matthewpersico closed 3 years ago

matthewpersico commented 4 years ago

When PM meetings were local this was not an issue. But now that we're all virutaling, why not post upcoming meetings in one place so we can go "visit" other groups? Can we open up a page (.md) where people could put up their upcoming meetings?

matthewpersico commented 4 years ago

Maybe we can use the Wiki for this?

jhannah commented 4 years ago

@matthewpersico Me personally, I love wikis. Feel free to use the wiki here for that purpose if you want. :) I know said they were going to have an online meeting soon, but I couldn't figure out how to keep up to date on when / how / where that was going to be without joining yet another (each of which wants to email me 1000 times a day lol).

jhannah commented 4 years ago

If you decide to make such a list, here's one for the list: (I've attended one of them.)

matthewpersico commented 3 years ago

matthewpersico commented 3 years ago

@jhannah - sorry it took so long; you wouldn't believe the personal stuff I've had to deal with the past two weeks. Hopefully, this will get the ball rolling.

jhannah commented 3 years ago

Looks like a good system to me. :)