perlrdf / RDF-LinkedData

RDF::LinkedData is a Perl module for setting up Linked Data server
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depends transitively on problematic HTML::HTML5::Parser #25

Open jonassmedegaard opened 5 years ago

jonassmedegaard commented 5 years ago


RDF::LinkedData now depends on RDF::Trine::Serializer::RDFa which (due to a non-optional test) build-depends on RDF::RDFa::Parser, which in turn depends on HTML::HTML5::Parser.

This is a problem for environments like Debian where HTML::HTML5::Parser is avoided due to a bug (even if that bug does not affect RDF::LinkedData).

Ideally this woul be solved by switching to Attean (see #16 ). Another option seems to be to make the test in RDF::Trine::Serializer::RDFa optional.

kjetilk commented 5 years ago

Awww, right. I think that realistically, I could make that test optional. I'll see if I can find some time to do it.