permissions-dispatcher / PermissionsDispatcher

A declarative API to handle Android runtime permissions.
Apache License 2.0
11.21k stars 1.44k forks source link

experimental: ktx module #665

Closed hotchemi closed 4 years ago

hotchemi commented 4 years ago


Note: the status of the module is now alpha and we're looking forward to your feedback!

permissionsdispatcher-ktx aims to let developers cope with runtime permissions handling in declarative way without using annotation processing(kapt).

Let's see a minimum example, in which you register a MainActivity which requires Manifest.permission.CAMERA.

0. Prepare Manifest

Add the following line to AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />

1. Define a method with withPermissionsCheck

The library provides withPermissionsCheck, which you can delegate exact runtime permission handling and register several callback methods to be called in an appropriate situation.

 * @param permissions the permissions [requiresPermission] requires.
 * @param onShowRationale the method explains why the permissions are required.
 * @param onPermissionDenied the method invoked if the user doesn't grant the permissions.
 * @param onNeverAskAgain the method invoked if the user does not deny the permissions with
 * "never ask again" option.
 * @param requiresPermission the action requires [permissions].
fun FragmentActivity/*(or Fragment)*/.withPermissionsCheck(
    vararg permissions: String,
    onShowRationale: ShowRationaleFunc? = null,
    onPermissionDenied: Func? = null,
    onNeverAskAgain: Func? = null,
    requiresPermission: Func)

Here you just define showCamera with the provided method and that's it! Don't have to take care about onRequestPermissionsResult and so on.

class MainActivity: AppCompatActivity {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        findViewById( {
    private fun showCamera() = withPermissionsCheck(Manifest.permission.CAMERA,
        onShowRationale = ::onCameraShowRationale,
        onPermissionDenied = ::onCameraDenied,
        onNeverAskAgain = ::onCameraNeverAskAgain) {
        // do something here
    private fun onCameraDenied() {
        Toast.makeText(requireContext(), R.string.permission_camera_denied, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
    private fun onCameraShowRationale(request: PermissionRequest) {
    private fun onCameraNeverAskAgain() {
        Toast.makeText(requireContext(), "onCameraNeverAskAgain", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

Check out the sample for more details.

Special Permissions

The library also provides withWriteSettingsPermissionCheck and withSystemAlertWindowPermissionCheck to support WRITE_SETTINGS and SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW that requires exceptional handling.

 * Wraps [requiresPermission] in the dedicated runtime permission check for
 * [Manifest.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS] with the given arguments.
 * @param onShowRationale the method explains why the permissions are required.
 * @param onPermissionDenied the method invoked if the user doesn't grant the permissions.
 * @param requiresPermission the action requires [permissions].
fun FragmentActivity/*(or Fragment)*/.withWriteSettingsPermissionCheck(
    onShowRationale: ShowRationaleFunc? = null,
    onPermissionDenied: Func? = null,
    requiresPermission: Func)
 * Wraps [requiresPermission] in the dedicated runtime permission check for
 * [Manifest.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW] with the given arguments.
 * @param onShowRationale the method explains why the permissions are required.
 * @param onPermissionDenied the method invoked if the user doesn't grant the permissions.
 * @param requiresPermission the action requires [permissions].
fun FragmentActivity/*(or Fragment)*/.withSystemAlertWindowPermissionCheck(
    onShowRationale: ShowRationaleFunc? = null,
    onPermissionDenied: Func? = null,
    requiresPermission: Func)


${latest.version} is Download

dependencies {
  implementation "org.permissionsdispatcher:permissionsdispatcher-ktx:${latest.version}"