If you use a “valid” zipcode (5 digit string) but it’s not a valid zipcode, getting an undefined error
germanZipCode = "01465"
1) ZipCode Service Tests When getting zipcode with timezone information and zipcode is a valid length but not a US zip code "before each" hook for "then the res.statusCode is 500":
TypeError: Cannot read property 'timeZoneId' of undefined
at Object.lookupWithTime (node_modules/zipcodes-perogi/lib/index.js:16:33)
at Object.invokeZipcodeTimezoneService (src/services/ZipCodeService.js:48:38)
at Context.beforeEach (src/services/test/ZipCodeService.test.js:273:25)
If you use a “valid” zipcode (5 digit string) but it’s not a valid zipcode, getting an undefined error
germanZipCode = "01465" 1) ZipCode Service Tests When getting zipcode with timezone information and zipcode is a valid length but not a US zip code "before each" hook for "then the res.statusCode is 500": TypeError: Cannot read property 'timeZoneId' of undefined at Object.lookupWithTime (node_modules/zipcodes-perogi/lib/index.js:16:33) at Object.invokeZipcodeTimezoneService (src/services/ZipCodeService.js:48:38) at Context.beforeEach (src/services/test/ZipCodeService.test.js:273:25)