perone / episuite

A suite of tools for epidemiology in Python.
MIT License
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Need for an update on #3

Open GabrielDealca opened 2 years ago

GabrielDealca commented 2 years ago

Hi! I believe there is a need for change on lines 83, 84, 100 of Just simply need to update the variable percent_cli to pct_covid, and cli_se to covid_se.

Additionally, I am having issues installing NumPyro on Windows because of Jaxlib, if there is anything that you can advice me with, I would really appreciate it! Thanks!

perone commented 2 years ago

Hi @GabrielDealca, I will take a look when I get some time on the facebook data issue, thanks for reporting it. Regarding the NumPyro I think that the issue is really Jaxlib, but since I don't have/don't use Windows I cannot test or find a workaround, you will probably get more info from NumPyro forums or Jax forums perhaps.

capyvara commented 2 years ago

Bump, any news on that?

perone commented 2 years ago

Nothing yet, will try to look into to it today or tomorrow, it is probably the issue of the variable names that they changed recently, like @GabrielDealca mentioned.