perrygeo / krige

Kriging for Geospatial Interpolation
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Cooperation: GSTools #1

Open MuellerSeb opened 2 years ago

MuellerSeb commented 2 years ago

Hey there,

just noticed this repo and directly thought: Why not work together. We just started a rust project to re-implement the cython parts of GSTools in Rust: GSTools-Core. This also includes the kriging module.

Our plan for the future includes using this rust backend for PyKrige as well and our checklist for the future looks quite similar to yours:

We already implemented the empirical variogram estimation and we also already created a python package on pypi.

We are always searching for input, like opinions or pull-requests, for the GSTools+PyKrige v2 project:

Cheers, Sebastian

perrygeo commented 2 years ago

Hi Sebastian (@MuellerSeb)

I've used (and read the excellent documentation for) PyKrige and GSTools a bit while researching this project - happy to hear that you're thinking about implementing it as a Rust library - a Python interface to a Rust library would be a fantastic approach.

While I'm not a Rust or geostatistics expert by any means, I do have some Python experience and I'm interested in your vision - I'll do what I can to contribute. Thanks for reaching out,
