perryhuynh / kcauto

kcauto, the successor to kancolle-auto, a Kantai Collection (Kancolle) bot/automation tool
GNU General Public License v3.0
68 stars 22 forks source link

Non-recoverable crashing while farming E3 #364

Closed Czevak closed 5 years ago

Czevak commented 5 years ago

Issue / Additional Information

I'm running into intermittent irrecoverable errors when farming E3-S. It happens maybe once every 3-4 hours or so and is always on the formation selection screen. I haven't been able to actively watch it happen so I can't say if anything weird is happening going into the error but I've attached a sample log.

Environment details

Configuration (irrelevant sections truncated)

JSTOffset = -14
Pause = false
Program = Chrome

ExpeditionSleepEnabled = false
ExpeditionSleepLength = 0.0
ExpeditionSleepStartTime = 0030
ScriptSleepEnabled = false
ScriptSleepLength = 3.27
ScriptSleepStartTime = 0323
CombatSleepEnabled = false
CombatSleepLength = 0.0
CombatSleepStartTime = 0030

ExpeditionStopCount = 
ExpeditionStopEnabled = false
ExpeditionStopMode = module
ExpeditionStopTime = 
ScriptStopCount = 
ScriptStopEnabled = false
ScriptStopTime = 
CombatStopCount = 
CombatStopEnabled = false
CombatStopMode = module
CombatStopTime = 

Enabled = true
Fleet2 = 
Fleet3 = 5
Fleet4 = 38

Enabled = false
Fleet = 

Enabled = true
Engine = live
FleetMode = ctf
Fleets = 
Formations = 1:combinedfleet_1
LBASGroup1Nodes = 
LBASGroup2Nodes = 
LBASGroup3Nodes = 
LBASGroups = 
Map = E-3
MiscOptions = 
NightBattles = 1:False
NodeSelects = 
RepairLimit = moderate
RepairTimeLimit = 0006
RetreatLimit = heavy
RetreatNodes = 1, A, S

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Console log

[2019-06-21 11:46:03] kcauto has been running for 2 hours 0 minutes (started on 2019-06-21 09:45:09)
[log] App.focus:  [2804:Chrome]
[2019-06-21 11:46:26] At home
[2019-06-21 11:46:26] Navigating to combat screen.
... <cut out getting to combat for brevity>
[2019-06-21 11:47:08] Fleet at Node Unknown (689, 424)
[2019-06-21 11:47:08] Custom formation specified for node #1.
[2019-06-21 11:47:08] Engaging the enemy in combinedfleet 1 formation.
[log] CLICK on L(752,351)@S(0)[0,0 1920x1080] (544 msec)
[2019-06-21 11:48:42] ** Crash detected. **
[2019-06-21 11:48:44] FindFailed: null
  Line -2, in file null

[2019-06-21 11:48:44] ** FindFailed error occurred; attempting basic recovery. **
[log] App.focus:  [2804:Chrome]
[log]  TYPE "#ESC."
[log]  TYPE " "
[log]  TYPE "#F10."
[2019-06-21 11:48:57] ** Chrome crash detected. **
[log]  TYPE "#F5."
[log]  TYPE " "
[log]  TYPE "#TAB."
[log]  TYPE " "
[log] CLICK on L(771,668)@S(0)[0,0 1920x1080] (545 msec)
[2019-06-21 11:49:13] Restarting game.
[2019-06-21 11:49:25] Game restarted.
[2019-06-21 11:49:25] Chrome crash recovery successful.
[2019-06-21 11:49:28] At home
[2019-06-21 11:49:28] Navigating to resupply screen.
... <cut out getting to combat for brevity>
[2019-06-21 11:50:08] Click position 424,269.
[log] CLICK on L(956,761)@S(0)[0,0 1920x1080] (538 msec)
[2019-06-21 11:50:14] Fleet 1 damage counts: 0 heavy / 0 moderate / 0 minor / 0 under repair
[log] CLICK on L(599,257)@S(0)[0,0 1920x1080] (540 msec)
[2019-06-21 11:50:17] Fleet 2 damage counts: 0 heavy / 0 moderate / 1 minor / 0 under repair
[log] CLICK on L(552,240)@S(0)[0,0 1920x1080] (540 msec)
[log] CLICK on L(996,756)@S(0)[0,0 1920x1080] (536 msec)
[2019-06-21 11:50:22] Beginning combat sortie.
[2019-06-21 11:50:29] FindFailed: null
  Line -2, in file null

[2019-06-21 11:50:29] ** FindFailed error occurred; attempting basic recovery. **
[log] App.focus:  [2804:Chrome]
[log]  TYPE "#ESC."
[log]  TYPE " "
[log]  TYPE "#F10."
[2019-06-21 11:52:12] ** Irrecoverable crash. **
FindFailed: null
  Line -2, in file null

[error] script [ C:\Games\kcauto-kai\kcauto.sikuli ] stopped with error in line 84
[error] FindFailed ( null )
[error] --- Traceback --- error source first
line: module ( function ) statement 
313: recovery (  _check_and_recovery_crash )     raise FindFailed(None)
632: combat (  _run_loop_between_nodes )     self._check_and_recovery_crash()
390: combat (  _run_combat_logic )     at_node, dialogue_check = self._run_loop_between_nodes()
147: combat (  combat_logic_wrapper )     self._run_combat_logic()
329: main (  run_combat_cycle )     if self.modules['combat'].combat_logic_wrapper():
66: main (  <module> )     kcauto.run_combat_cycle()
[error] --- Traceback --- end --------------
[KAGA] [2019-06-21 11:52:12] [c.w.k.k.KCAuto] INFO - KCAuto session has terminated!
[KAGA] [2019-06-21 11:52:12] [c.w.k.k.KCAuto] DEBUG - Exit value was 1
[KAGA] [2019-06-21 11:52:12] [c.w.k.k.KCAuto] INFO - KCAuto crashed!
[KAGA] [2019-06-21 11:52:13] [c.w.k.k.KCAuto] INFO - Saved crash log to C:\Games\kcauto-kai\crashes\2019-06-21 11.52.12.log
[KAGA] [2019-06-21 11:52:13] [c.w.k.k.KCAuto] INFO - Auto restart is enabled...attempting restart in 3s
[KAGA] [2019-06-21 11:52:13] [c.w.k.k.KCAuto] INFO - Restart in 3s
[KAGA] [2019-06-21 11:52:14] [c.w.k.k.KCAuto] INFO - Restart in 2s
[KAGA] [2019-06-21 11:52:15] [c.w.k.k.KCAuto] INFO - Restart in 1s
[KAGA] [2019-06-21 11:52:16] [c.w.k.k.KCAuto] INFO - Starting new KCAuto session (Version: 7.4.0)
[KAGA] [2019-06-21 11:52:16] [c.w.k.k.KCAuto] DEBUG - Launching with command: java -jar C:\Program Files\Sikuli\sikulix.jar -r C:\Games\kcauto-kai\kcauto.sikuli -- cfg C:\Users\Signum\Desktop\kaga\E3-config.ini
[KAGA] [2019-06-21 11:52:16] [c.w.k.k.KCAuto] DEBUG - Session profile: {"general":{"program":"Chrome","pause":false,"jstOffset":-14},"scheduledSleep":{"scriptSleepEnabled":false,"scriptSleepStartTime":"0323","scriptSleepLength":3.27,"expSleepEnabled":false,"expSleepStartTime":"0030","expSleepLength":0.0,"sortieSleepEnabled":false,"sortieSleepStartTime":"0030","sortieSleepLength":0.0},"scheduledStop":{"scriptStopEnabled":false,"scriptStopCount":"","scriptStopTime":"","expStopEnabled":false,"expStopMode":"MODULE","expStopCount":"","expStopTime":"","sortieStopEnabled":false,"sortieStopMode":"MODULE","sortieStopCount":"","sortieStopTime":""},"expeditions":{"enabled":true,"fleet2":[],"fleet3":["5"],"fleet4":["38"]},"pvp":{"enabled":false,"fleet":""},"sortie":{"enabled":true,"engine":"LIVE","map":"E-3","retreatNodes":["1","A","S"],"fleets":[],"fleetMode":"CTF","nodeSelects":[],"formations":["1:combinedfleet_1"],"nightBattles":["1:False"],"retreatLimit":"CRITICAL","repairLimit":"MODERATE","repairTimeLimit":"0006","lbasGroups":[],"lbasGroup1Nodes":[],"lbasGroup2Nodes":[],"lbasGroup3Nodes":[],"miscOptions":[]},"eventReset":{"enabled":false,"frequency":3,"farmDifficulty":"EASY","resetDifficulty":"MEDIUM"},"shipSwitcher":{"enabled":false,"slot1Criteria":[],"slot1Ships":[],"slot2Criteria":[],"slot2Ships":[],"slot3Criteria":[],"slot3Ships":[],"slot4Criteria":[],"slot4Ships":[],"slot5Criteria":[],"slot5Ships":[],"slot6Criteria":[],"slot6Ships":[]},"quests":{"enabled":false,"questGroups":["DAILY","WEEKLY","MONTHLY"]},"name":"E3"}
[2019-06-21 11:52:27] Initializing config module.
[2019-06-21 11:52:27] Reading config.
[2019-06-21 11:52:27] Starting kcauto!
[log] App.focus:  [2804:Chrome]
[2019-06-21 11:52:46] Could not find a reference point.
[log] App.focus:  [2804:Chrome]
[2019-06-21 11:53:04] Could not find a reference point.
[error] script [ C:\Games\kcauto-kai\kcauto.sikuli ] stopped with error in line 84
[error] FindFailed ( null )
[error] --- Traceback --- error source first
line: module ( function ) statement 
340: util (  focus_kc )     raise FindFailed(None)
28: recovery (  recover )     kcauto.kc_region if kcauto.kc_region
[error] --- Traceback --- end --------------
[KAGA] [2019-06-21 11:53:04] [c.w.k.k.KCAuto] INFO - KCAuto session has terminated!
[KAGA] [2019-06-21 11:53:04] [c.w.k.k.KCAuto] DEBUG - Exit value was 1
[KAGA] [2019-06-21 11:53:04] [c.w.k.k.KCAuto] INFO - KCAuto crashed!
mrmin123 commented 5 years ago

I would try switching the Combat Engine to legacy, since you're only sortieing to 1 node anyways, and maybe increasing the SLEEP_MODIFIER in

Czevak commented 5 years ago

Sounds good, I'll give it a try and see if it reoccurs. Thanks!

Czevak commented 5 years ago

While the issue did happen again even with the suggestions, it doesn't matter anymore as the event is over. Closing.