Please make sure you are on the latest version of kcauto, and that there is not already a ticket open for your issue.
Please remove sections of this template you do not find relevant when creating your ticket.
Environment details
kcauto version (version on first line of v8.0.0-rc1
Operating system and/or VM: win10
Issue variability
Is the issue consistent (can be reproduced consistently) or is it intermittent (only happens sometimes)?: consistent
When using chrome driver, unable to perform refresh home. Timeout occurred.
[2020-04-08 05:23:14] Refreshing home.
[2020-04-08 05:24:05] FindFailed stacktrace:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "kcauto\", line 28, in kcauto_main
File "kcauto\", line 48, in initialization_check'refresh_home')
File "kcauto\nav\", line 96, in to
File "kcauto\nav\", line 222, in navigate_to
File "kcauto\util\", line 402, in wait
return r.wait(self._create_asset_path(asset), wait, similarity)
File "C:\Users\Milamber\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\site-packages\pyvisauto\", line 191, in wait
f"{target} not found in {self} after waiting for {wait} seconds.")
pyvisauto.FindFailed: assets\nav\home_menu_sortie.png not found in [ X:54, Y:454, W:500, H:490 ] after waiting for 20 seconds.
[2020-04-08 05:24:05] End stacktrace.
[2020-04-08 05:24:05] Attempting recovery.
[2020-04-08 05:24:05] Finding kancolle.
[2020-04-08 05:24:05] Basic Recovery successful.
[2020-04-08 05:24:06] Finding kancolle.
[2020-04-08 05:24:06] kcauto is initializing.
[2020-04-08 05:24:07] At side menu
[2020-04-08 05:24:07] Going home.
Please make sure you are on the latest version of kcauto, and that there is not already a ticket open for your issue.
Please remove sections of this template you do not find relevant when creating your ticket.
Environment details
): v8.0.0-rc1Issue variability
Is the issue consistent (can be reproduced consistently) or is it intermittent (only happens sometimes)?: consistent
When using chrome driver, unable to perform refresh home. Timeout occurred.