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dbtoyaml fails when dealing with extension-owned triggers/functions #236

Open jmafc opened 2 years ago

jmafc commented 2 years ago

Initially reported by @alexitheodore in issue #226 starting from 2-Nov-2021. A sample traceback is as follows:

  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyrseas/dbobject/", line 156, in to_map
    dct = super(Trigger, self).to_map(db)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyrseas/dbobject/", line 361, in to_map
    deps -= self.get_implied_deps(db)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyrseas/dbobject/", line 239, in get_implied_deps
    deps.add(db.functions[fschema, fname, self.arguments or ''])
KeyError: (u'cron', 'job_cache_invalidate', '')
jmafc commented 2 years ago

The suggested fix is as follows (to be applied to dbobject/

            WHERE NOT tgisinternal
              AND (nspname != 'pg_catalog' AND nspname != 'information_schema')
              AND t.tgfoid NOT IN (
                  SELECT objid FROM pg_depend WHERE deptype = 'e'
                               AND classid = 'pg_proc'::regclass)
alexitheodore commented 2 years ago


Just tested this and confirmed that it resolved the pg_cron-related bug.

jmafc commented 2 years ago

OK, since (as you stated in the other issue) the "second error persists", there must still be some other query that needs to be fixed to deal properly with extension-related objects. A quick look at shows that the in queryunder classAggregate(lines 494-511) we are already excluding aggregate functions that are associated with extensions. However, thejson_agg_stateffunction, which is the one reported as not found, is one that you *would* want to include in thedbtoyamloutput, since it's user-created. Removing theAND p.oid NOT IN (SELECT ...)` will perhaps fix this particular error, but as a side effect may cause errors elsewhere.

alexitheodore commented 2 years ago

So, I tested that query against my DB and it does appear to be producing a row that corresponds to the function mentioned in the error stack:

KeyError: (u'public', 'json_agg_statef', u'jsonb, jsonb')

I don't know if that means it IS working, or that IS the issue (seems to me that it would be the former). Is there another query that I should check to make sure it produces a corresponding result with the function def?

jmafc commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure what "that query" means, since although I quoted some lines, the full query is actually constructed and returned on line 534. Unless you've learned Python since we started, I wonder what your test query really was. Anyway, if I were to start debugging, I'd add a print(obj.key()) statement in ProcDict._from_catalog, line 699, right after the for obj in self.fetch(). That will actually list the function names being retrieved.

alexitheodore commented 2 years ago

This is the query I ran:

    nspname AS schema
,   proname AS name
,   pg_get_function_identity_arguments(p.oid) AS arguments
,   rolname AS owner
,   array_to_string(proacl, ',') AS privileges
,   aggtransfn::regproc AS sfunc
,   aggtranstype::regtype AS stype
-- ,    %s AS sspace
,   aggfinalfn::regproc AS finalfunc
-- ,    %s AS finalfunc_extra
,   agginitval AS initcond
,   aggsortop::regoper AS sortop
-- ,    %s
,   obj_description(p.oid, 'pg_proc') AS description
,   p.oid
FROM pg_proc p JOIN pg_roles r ON (r.oid = proowner)
     JOIN pg_namespace n ON (pronamespace = n.oid)
     LEFT JOIN pg_aggregate a ON (p.oid = aggfnoid)
WHERE (nspname != 'pg_catalog' AND nspname != 'information_schema')
  AND prokind = 'f'
  AND p.oid NOT IN (
      SELECT objid FROM pg_depend WHERE deptype = 'e'
                   AND classid = 'pg_proc'::regclass)
ORDER BY nspname, proname

The columns returned are inconsequential in this context and the only variable substitution I could find was one AND condition, which I easily found. Based on the look of the code, that would be the most restrictive case too. Not saying I've provided anything useful, just trying to help.

jmafc commented 2 years ago

@alexitheodore Change db74727, which I just submitted, takes care of cleaning up the output of dbtoyaml when the pg_cron extension is installed. Looking back at issue #226, it seems that the json_agg_statef error is unrelated to extensions (since you wrote that had started from a "totally clean slate again"). If that is the case, we should deal with the aggregate issue separately (and then I can close this one). I suspect that the json_agg_statef may be related to or the same as issue #175.