persepolisdm / persepolis

Persepolis Download Manager is a GUI for aria2.
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Increase the usage of augmented assignment statements #891

Open elfring opened 2 years ago

elfring commented 2 years ago

:eyes: Some source code analysis tools can help to find opportunities for improving software components. :thought_balloon: I propose to increase the usage of augmented assignment statements accordingly.

Would you like to integrate anything from a transformation result which can be generated by a command like the following? (:point_right: Please check also for questionable change suggestions because of an evolving search pattern.)

lokal$ perl -p -i.orig -0777 -e 's/^(?<indentation>\s+)(?<target>\S+)\s*=\s*\k<target>[ \t]*(?<operator>[+%^@]|-(?!>)|&(?!&)|\|(?!\|)|\*\*?|\/\/?|<<|>>)/$+{indentation}$+{target} $+{operator}=/gm' $(find ~/Projekte/PersepolisDM/lokal -name '*.py')

:crystal_ball: How will the development interests evolve further also according to update candidates in 75 lines of this software?