persepolisdm / persepolis

Persepolis Download Manager is a GUI for aria2.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Running 4.x without disabling gatekeeper on macos #962

Open davidpulse24 opened 3 months ago

davidpulse24 commented 3 months ago

System Details:

Will there be a way in the future to install Persepolis 4.x on macOS without disabling Gatekeeper? Version 3.x can be still run by dismissing the first "Can't open this app" dialog, and on second run, clicking Ignore. This allows Gatekeeper to be disabled for only the Persepolis app while keeping it enabled for any other binaries. My limited understanding is that gatekeeper checks are signature based. Can Persepolis v4 be signed with the same key as v3 or is that not possible anymore?

kiahamedi commented 3 months ago

Hello Dear @davidpulse24

Versions 3 were also unsigned, and it is Apple's standard that does not allow the installation of unsigned programs With this, we are looking for a way to install without installing and disabling the security mode in the Mac operating system.

davidpulse24 commented 2 months ago

Thanks for looking into this. For reference, version 3.x can be run in macOS without disabling gatekeeper completely. As I mentioned, instead of launching it from Launchpad, one can right click>open the application, accept the warning message and the application runs fine. So something has clearly changed in version 4.