persepolisdm / persepolis

Persepolis Download Manager is a GUI for aria2.
GNU General Public License v3.0
6.12k stars 647 forks source link

Increase max number of connections #986

Open Aesis7271 opened 1 month ago

Aesis7271 commented 1 month ago

This is a feature request that is more of a 1st world problem than a feature.

I've used IDM up until now and it allows me to set max number of connections up to 32 whereas persepolis maxes out at 16. Since I have a tendency to archive large amounts of livestreams/livestream VODs from youtube, being capped at 16 slows down the speed I can download at quite a bit (because of the way youtube caps the download speed at 2x video speed per connection, so a 2h video can be downloaded in a minimum time of 3m45s with 16 connections, and 1m52s with 32). I have 1.5Gbps connection so I can definitely make use of the 32 connections (as I have with IDM) and I'm not sure if there's a limitation or a developer choice to stop at 16 but would like to see 32 as an option.

alireza-amirsamimi commented 1 month ago

Hello Hello Thank you for your feature request. We hope to add this feature by the end of summer.