Package bidi addapt many packages and classes for right to left writing and It does well. But why not with beamer? Are there obstacles to do so ( with xelatex)? It would be great if there a support of beamer with bidi.
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Minimal example
% !TEX TS-program = XeLaTeX
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
\documentclass{article} % or some other class
% Any packages other than the bidi package must be loaded here
% The bidi package must be loaded as the last package
% Any bidi package option goes here
% Any preamble code goes here
% Demonstration of the feature request here
Brief outline of the feature request
Package bidi addapt many packages and classes for right to left writing and It does well. But why not with beamer? Are there obstacles to do so ( with xelatex)? It would be great if there a support of beamer with bidi.
package issue tracker has been searched for similar issues?Minimal example
Expected behavior