persistory / browserparrot-issues

Public issues, suggestions, and support for BrowserParrot
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Support Orion browser #17

Open bentsai opened 2 years ago

bentsai commented 2 years ago

Per the history file is at:

~/Library/Application\ Support/Orion/Defaults/history 
iansinnott commented 2 years ago

Ah not chromium based. that's interesting, and prob good for the industry. will need to dig in to see how they structure their history though. If it's the same as Safari then it should be very straightforward

iansinnott commented 2 years ago

Hm, accidentally closed

iansinnott commented 2 years ago

CleanShot 2022-06-29 at 23 32 46@2x

Looks like the history format is different than anything else we've integrated so far. Interesting, but will need some custom code for this

itsbrex commented 2 years ago

Intersting that it's actually differnet than Safari. I thought I read on the Orion forum that they used the same format. Hmmmm.

Are you sitll looking at this? @iansinnott I was thinking of looking into it, and then found this issue. Let me know.

iansinnott commented 2 years ago

not currently looking at this.

However, if you're interested in looking into this there are some options. The browser parrot system is actually extensible, although it does not provide the best developer experience (completely undocumented API for instance...).

itsbrex commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the update. Option 2 sounds better. I'll take a look. Thanks!