personalcancertoolkit / openmrs-module-patientportaltoolkit

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Add support for multiple cancers on Symptom Management #335

Open maurya opened 6 years ago

maurya commented 6 years ago

Skip will need to do this.

jennifershivers commented 6 years ago

Want both general and disease specific symptoms.
For core symptoms (fatigue, depression, anziety) the description remains the same, scale is the same.
For cancer specific symptoms (pain at a different location than other cancers), the scale may change. There are self management steps for each symptom and these would be a bit different.

Cancer community is the higher-level (breast cancer, colon cancer) and then there are types within that.

Skip needs a table that lists cancers (Thyroid and colon)
Skip will need to sort out where the text is kept.

If a symptom has different text for the description for different cancer types, then it is a new symptom.

We don't have to have an interface to edit these for this round of work.

Skip will want to have a table that tells what symptoms will be for what cancers.

Alpha order for symptoms might work best .

TODO Dr. Hagstrom will create a list of the symptoms for colon cancer.