personalrobotics / ada_meal_scenario

A set of scripts for a meal serving scenario using Ada.
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Race conditions in _MorselDetectionCallback #17

Open mkoval opened 9 years ago

mkoval commented 9 years ago

rospy.Subscribers run in a separate thread. This means that you have to use locks when accessing or modifying data in the callback. In this script, this includes:

You should also lock the OpenRAVE environment when reading or writing anything. This includes:

PyryM commented 9 years ago

The perception subscriber will work as written because it modifies bite_world_pose first and then sets bite_detected. So worst case scenario you'll just be delayed a frame because you'll see a frame where there is a valid bite_world_pose but bite_detected is still false.

I also don't see any non-trivial synchronization issues with ROBOT_STATE.

I can't comment about the OpenRAVE because I don't know much about it.

mkoval commented 9 years ago

My understanding is that the only operation guaranteed to be atomic in Python is the evaluation of a single bytecode. I am not even positive if this is guaranteed in the spec: the GIL is an implementation detail of CPython that could theoretically be removed in the future.

In theory, I am fine with omitting a lock if you can show that the Python specification guarantees that these operations are atomic:

Even so, I think there still may a race condition with self.ROBOT_STATE. What if self.ROBOT_STATE is changed by the other thread after the check self.ROBOT_STATE!="LOOKING_AT_PLATE, but before self.bite_detected = True?

More importantly, I don't see any reason to trawl through the Python specification for a situation like this. The cost of locking in this context is negligible and guarantees that there isn't a race condition.

mkoval commented 9 years ago

Also, we really do need to lock the environment for any OpenRAVE function calls that are not explicitly listed as thread-safe. From the OpenRAVE documentation:

All environment methods are multi-thread safe, but any other method to kinbodies, robots, controllers, planners, etc are not thread safe! If the documentation does not say multi-thread safe, don’t use the method without locking the environment!

This is not just a theoretical problem. OpenRAVE internally stores transforms as quaternions and, if you don't lock the environment around these functions, you'll often have OpenRAVE crash with an assertion error that a quaternion is not normalized.

PyryM commented 9 years ago

The cost of locking is cluttering up the code with unnecessary locks.

mkoval commented 9 years ago

Can a cite the section in the Python standard that says we don't need to lock here?

I prefer "correct and cluttered" over "wrong."

PyryM commented 9 years ago

In cpython and pypy the operations are atomic. Do we really need to worry about hypothetical exotic python implementations where this isn't the case? If so, this seems to be such a common use case in rospy that we should write some properly pythonic wrappers around this common locking behavior.

mkoval commented 9 years ago

I don't think there is a "common locking behavior." The desired locking behavior depends entirely on what you're doing in the Subscriber callback.

PyryM commented 9 years ago

Almost every subscriber that does anything nontrivial is going to want to update some global state, and if that needs to be locked then we need to find a way to wrap that locking that doesn't involve every programmer manually writing locks like we're back in the eighties.

mkoval commented 9 years ago

I think you're being a bit dramatic. In the basic case, the code changes from:

def subscriber(self, msg):
    self.some_data =
    # set some other fields

To this:

def subscriber(self, msg):
    with self.lock:
        self.some_data =
        # set some other fields

We're hardly back in the eighties. :smile:

cdellin commented 9 years ago

Cue typical suggestion for method decorator if this is a common use case (-:

PyryM commented 9 years ago

Suggestion accepted and assigned to @mkoval :-)

mkoval commented 9 years ago

I better get started now. I'll have to dig up my mainframe manual from the 80's to figure out the appropriate implementation. :smile:

PyryM commented 9 years ago

How about this:

from threading import RLock

def synchronized(f):
    """ Synchronization decorator for class methods. """

    def newFunction(*args, **kw):
        self = args[0]
        if not hasattr(self, '_lock'):
            self._lock = RLock()
        with self._lock:
            return f(*args, **kw)
    return newFunction

class Testo:
    def __init__(self, bla):
        self.asdf = bla

    def foo(self, bar):
        # will deadlock with Lock,
        # which is why we use RLock

    def baz(self, v):