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Fork of the Constrained Manipulation Planning Suite (CoMPS) by Dmitry Berenson
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CBiRRT succeed on impossible TSR when invalid flag passed #8

Open aaronjoh opened 8 years ago

aaronjoh commented 8 years ago

When running the latest prpy and table_clearing but without the recent commits implementing bdofresl2norm an impossible tsr returns a trajectory. I set the tray to be 1m away, but when running CBiRRT on, e.g., MoveBowlOverTrayAction, it returns a trajectory that doesn't move anywhere instead of failing. This causes the whole demo to improperly succeed by picking up objects and dropping them in the same spot.

comps commit 09f5621 prpy commit 269cb87 (master at the time of writing this) table_clearing commit 40624cd (master at the time of writing this)

cdellin commented 8 years ago

@aaronjoh, is it possible for you to replicate this with --do-planlog on so there's a log file I can examine? Otherwise, what args to table_clearing should I use to generate such a witness case?

aaronjoh commented 8 years ago

I tried many different arguments to table_clearing all of which had the same behavior, but specifically: rosrun table_clearing --perception-sim --planner dfs --viewer rviz --max-plan-attempts 2 --execute interleave --monitor

aaronjoh commented 8 years ago

I can recreate the issue by adding an unknown parameter even on comps master. I added: args += ['bJUNKPARAM', '1']

to line 208 of prpy/planning/ in CBiRRTPlanner.Plan()