persvr / rql

Resource Query Language
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adjust paths for intern #45

Closed neonstalwart closed 9 years ago

neonstalwart commented 9 years ago

looks like the path to rql was wrong but unused for me. however, now it's completely broken. how are you trying to run this? the 2 ways i'm using are

if i completely remove baseUrl and packages from the config and change back to suites: [ 'test/all' ] then npm test works and running the proxy and visiting http://localhost:9000/__intern/client.html?config=test/intern works.

it looks like you might be attempting to have one intern proxy running for multiple projects but i have not managed to get that working in the past.

kriszyp commented 9 years ago

This should allow it run on npm and the browser, both with shared or own intern installation: