persvr / rql

Resource Query Language
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Is RQL still a valid choice in 2022? #85

Open luckv opened 2 years ago

bademux commented 1 year ago

NO. no libraries. no one uses it, as it is not readable and not flexible.

luckv commented 1 year ago

Thank you, having a standard way to encode a complex query in a url, could have been great. Anyway... But could you help me and point me to some good alternatives? What is the industrial standard to query a database behind a rest api?

bademux commented 1 year ago

IMHO, one should not expose DB as rest. DB is not a microservice itself, but a part of microservice. For complex requests I would use POST + domain specific json.

thjaeckle commented 1 year ago

I love the simplicity and the possibility to add RQL queries to a URL. The Eclipse Ditto project, which I am contributing to, makes heavy use of (a subset) of the RQL expressions defined by this project in order to:

Of course it would be nicer if RQL would be a standard, but we can live without it being one. The Ditto project built its own RQL (subset) parser in Java/Scala:

And we added 2 more predicates not defined in the original RQL:

So my suggestion would be to make your own conclusions whether or not RQL is useful for you.

Here is yet another adoption of RQL I found "in the wild": They even provide a JS library:

So it is definitely used, however more tooling/libraries and a more "official" standard would of course be great to have.