perusio / drupal-with-nginx

Running Drupal using nginx: an idiosyncratically crafted bleeding edge configuration.
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XML files not showing #247

Open EdViva opened 8 years ago

EdViva commented 8 years ago

I have a staging server and a production server one is using the D7 branch and one the master branch. I have created a views services output which normally creates an xml and json file. On the master branch this is no problem but on the D7 branch - which is my production server, the xml suffix results in a 404. The xml file is created as i can see it without the suffix but i cant import it as a feed as I think it doesnt like the omission of the xml suffix. The drupal installs are using the exact same code base. I am hesitant to switch to master on live. Any idea what might be different in the two branches to cause this issue? I have looked the changes on the github repo between branches but nothing is looking obvious to me. Thanks in advance.

pust0ta commented 8 years ago

Try to change location ~* ^.+\.(?:css|cur|js|jpe?g|gif|htc|ico|png|html|xml|otf|ttf|eot|woff|svg)$ { to location ~* ^.+\.(?:css|cur|js|jpe?g|gif|htc|ico|png|html|otf|ttf|eot|woff|svg)$ { on line 120 of apps/drupal/drupal.conf

EdViva commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your response. I would think that would be the solution. I tried changing adding xml on the server that was working and I got a 404 and then added a json and browsed the json export and again correctly got a 404. However when I add json to the drupal.conf on the server where .xml files not showing, the json is still found, and removing the xml as you stated, doesnt make the .xml file found. So it seems that these server settings are being ignore or overridden. The vhost file is definitely pointing to drupal.conf.

EdViva commented 8 years ago

Ok fixed now. Nginx not restarting for some reason.