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blocked referrers defaults - question on the terms included #272

Open JSzaszvari opened 7 years ago

JSzaszvari commented 7 years ago

This is more a question than a Issue, You can close it upon response.

For the default referrers blacklist config

## Add here all referrers that are to blocked.
map $http_referer $bad_referer {
    default 0;
    ~(?i)(adult|babes|click|diamond|forsale|girl|jewelry|love|nudit|organic|poker|porn|poweroversoftware|sex|teen|webcam|zippo|casino|replica) 1;

I'd just like to know the rationale behind "Organic" being in there.

I'm more curious than anything - We ran into a issue with one of our sites where it was generating 404's and upon investigating it was whenever people were searching for a product with the word 'organic' in the title.

We run about 30 very large e-commerce sites specialising in natural medicine and organic foods, and just launched a new range with "Organic" in the title of the product - People could search, but then upon clicking a link it would error as organic was in the referrer from the search that had just been done.

Had a good laugh when we figured it out, but I cant figure out how 'Organic' relates to the other terms in there like 'porn' and 'sex'

Much appreciated. Love your work.