perusio / drupal-with-nginx

Running Drupal using nginx: an idiosyncratically crafted bleeding edge configuration.
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How-to allow php file outside of Drupal env to run #63

Closed HMoen closed 11 years ago

HMoen commented 12 years ago

Hi there,

First and foremost, best nginx Drupal setup on the web!

I have a couple of php files I use that are sitting in $root/instant/*.php. When I use your setup it gives me a 404 193 error when trying to access the php files. How can I add a clause to allow php files in that directory to run? I'm using your Drupal 7 configuration with:


perusio commented 12 years ago

Do you have a list of all the PHP files? Generally it's a bad idea to use "catch all" expressions for PHP scripts. Cf.

HMoen commented 12 years ago

The files are: /instant/query.php /instant/Document.php /instant/Response.php

These are apache solr files that query the solr instance on a different server.

I appreciate your help!

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 10, 2012, at 2:27 AM, "António P. P. Almeida"<> wrote:

Do you have a list of all the PHP files? Generally it's a bad idea to use "catch all" expressions for PHP scripts. Cf.

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perusio commented 12 years ago

If you don't want to repeat all the FCGI stuff do:

location ^~ /instant/ {
   location ~ ^/instant/(?:query|Document|Response)\.php$ {
       # Add all fcgi stuff here - remove the microcaching if you're
       # using it on the `@drupal` location and don't want it here      

Report back how it went.

HMoen commented 12 years ago

I have this in my .conf file:

location ^~ /instant/ {
    location ~ ^/instant/(?:query|Document/Response)\.php$ {
    include fastcgi_drupal.conf;
    fastcgi_pass phpcgi;

and it does not work still. Any other suggestions?

On Aug 11, 2012, at 7:09 PM, António P. P. Almeida<> wrote:

If you don't want to repeat all the FCGI stuff do:

location ^~ /instant/ { location ~ ^/instant/(?:query|Document/Response).php$ {

Add all fcgi stuff here - remove the microcaching if you're

   # using it on the `@drupal` location and don't want it here

} }

Report back how it went.

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perusio commented 12 years ago

I wasn't clear. The FCGI parameters have to be "reverted" to it's "normal" state. The fastcgi_drupal.conf file has some hacked (meaning non standard) parameters.

Here's the full monty:

location ^~ /instant/ {
   location ~ ^/instant/(?:query|Document|Response)\.php$ {
       include fastcgi_drupal.conf;
       fastcgi_param  QUERY_STRING $query_string;
       fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_NAME $fastcgi_script_name;
       fastcgi_pass phpcgi;

There are two parameters that need to be redefined. It should work now.

perusio commented 12 years ago

If you're using Apache use fastcgi_pass phpapache instead.

HMoen commented 12 years ago

I'm using Nginx.

I copied your exact code into my .conf file and I get this error in the access log;

GET /sites/all/instant/query.php?q=&it=4&si=0&li=10 HTTP/1.1" 404 193

My instant folder is in root, so I copied the folder into /sites/all/instant to see if that would fix it and it still gives me the same error.

Any suggestions? Much appreciated!

On Aug 14, 2012, at 12:50 PM, António P. P. Almeida<> wrote:

If you're using Apache use fastcgi_pass phpapache instead.

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perusio commented 12 years ago

Did you add it before the catch all PHP location at the end of the file? It has to be added before.

HMoen commented 12 years ago

This my full .conf file:

-- mode: nginx; mode: flyspell-prog; ispell-current-dictionary: american --

Configuration for example.com

Return (no rewrite) server block.

server {

## This is to avoid the spurious if for sub-domain name
## "rewriting".

listen 8001; # IPv4

## Replace the IPv6 address by your own address. The address below
## was stolen from the wikipedia page on IPv6.

listen [fe80::1031:3dff:fe2c:600b]:8001 ipv6only=on;

server_name beta.saludmedica.com;

return 301 $scheme://$request_uri;

} # server domain return.

HTTP server.

server { listen 8001; # IPv4

Replace the IPv6 address by your own address. The address below

## was stolen from the wikipedia page on IPv6.
##listen [fe80::1031:3dff:fe2c:600b]:8001 ipv6only=on;
limit_conn arbeit 32;

## Access and error logs.
access_log /var/log/nginx/saludmedica/access.log;
error_log  /var/log/nginx/saludmedica/error.log;

## See the blacklist.conf file at the parent dir: /etc/nginx.
## Deny access based on the User-Agent header.
if ($bad_bot) {
    return 444;
## Deny access based on the Referer header.
if ($bad_referer) {
    return 444;

## Protection against illegal HTTP methods. Out of the box only HEAD,
## GET and POST are allowed.
if ($not_allowed_method) {
    return 405;

## Filesystem root of the site and index.
root /var/www/beta;
index index.php;

## If you're using a Nginx version greater or equal to 1.1.4 then
## you can use keep alive connections to the upstream be it
## FastCGI or Apache. If that's not the case comment out the line below.
fastcgi_keep_conn on; # keep alive to the FCGI upstream

## Uncomment if you're proxying to Apache for handling PHP.

proxy_http_version 1.1; # keep alive to the Apache upstream

## Configuration for instant search block
location ^~ instant/ {

location ~ ^instant/(?:query|Document/Response).php$ {

            include fastcgi_drupal.conf;
            fastcgi_param  QUERY_STRING $query_string;
            fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_NAME $fastcgi_script_name;



### Generic configuration: for most Drupal 7 sites.
include sites-available/drupal.conf;

### Generic configuration: for most Drupal 6 sites.
# include sites-available/drupal6.conf;

### Configuration for Drupal 7 sites that use boost.
#include sites-available/drupal_boost.conf;

### Configuration for Drupal 6 sites that use boost.
#include sites-available/drupal_boost6.conf;

### Configuration for updating the site via update.php and running
### cron externally. If you don't use drush for running cron use
### the configuration below.
include sites-available/drupal_cron_update.conf;

## For upload progress to work. From the README of the
## filefield_nginx_progress module.
location ~ ^(.*)/x-progress-id:(\w*) {
    return 302 $1?X-Progress-ID=$2;

location ^~ /progress {
    report_uploads uploads;

## Including the php-fpm status and ping pages config.
## Uncomment to enable if you're running php-fpm.
include php_fpm_status_vhost.conf;

## Including the Nginx stub status page for having stats about
## Nginx activity:
include nginx_status_vhost.conf;

} # HTTP server

I'm not using the HTTPS configuration… Do I have it right?

On Aug 15, 2012, at 1:47 AM, António P. P. Almeida wrote:

Did you add it before the catch all PHP location at the end of the file? It has to be added before.

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perusio commented 12 years ago

Why do you have the inner location commented out? Usually nested locations are the preferred way of having regex based locations.

Can you post a debug log so that we can verify the request processing?

HMoen commented 12 years ago

I had commented it out thinking it would be less restrictive, but that did not work either.

Here's the error log output with debug:

2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: post event 0000000002238E50 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: delete posted event 0000000002238E50 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: accept on, ready: 1 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: posix_memalign: 00000000021A5D90:256 @16 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: _32 accept: fd:22 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 event timer add: 22: 60000:1345153827150 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 epoll add event: fd:22 op:1 ev:80000001 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: accept() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 post event 0000000002239128 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 delete posted event 0000000002239128 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 malloc: 00000000021A43E0:1312 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 posix_memalign: 00000000020F44C0:256 @16 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 malloc: 00000000021A3BF0:1024 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 posix_memalign: 00000000021A26E0:4096 @16 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http process request line 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 recv: fd:22 619 of 1024 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http request line: "GET /sites/all/instant/query.php?q=&it=5&si=0&li=10 HTTP/1.1" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http uri: "/sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http args: "q=&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http exten: "php" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http process request header line 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http header: "Host:" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http header: "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http header: "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_80) AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.57 Safari/537.1" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http header: "Accept: application/json, text/javascript, /; q=0.01" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http header: "Referer:" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http header: "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http header: "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: *32 http header: "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,;q=0.3" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: _32 http header: "X-Real-Forwarded-For:" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http header: "Cookie: SESS42bdb844c70469a9af0272bf361e8fdb=6XJlrqpv1DC5Ag-Fu8gel6RlDXQ3HKY4dcGTBwS-Ufc" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http header: "X-Varnish: 265967754" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http header done 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 event timer del: 22: 1345153827150 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 generic phase: 0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 rewrite phase: 1 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script var 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http map started 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script var: "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_0) AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.57 Safari/537.1" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http map: "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_0) AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.57 Safari/537.1" "0" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script var: "0" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script if 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script if: false 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script var 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http geo started: 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http geo: 0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script var: "0" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script if 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script if: false 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script var 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http map started 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script var: "GET" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http map: "GET" "0" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script var: "0" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script if 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script if: false 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: "instant/" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: "/" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: "patches" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: "robots.txt" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: "update.php" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: "sitemap.xml" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: "/sites/default/files/private/" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: "/sites/default/files/advagg_js/" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: "/sites/default/files/advagg_css/" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: "/help/" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: ~ "/files/styles/" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: ~ "^.+.(?:css|js|jpe?g|gif|ico|png|html|xml)$" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: ~ "^.+.(?:pdf|pptx?)$" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: ~ "^(?:.+.(?:htaccess|make|txt|engine|inc|info|install|module|profile|po|sh|._sql|test|theme|tpl(?:.php)?|xtmpl)||/Entries.|/Repository|/Root|/Tag|/Template)$" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: ~ "^.+.php$" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 using configuration "^.+.php$" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http cl:-1 max:10485760 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 rewrite phase: 3 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 rewrite phase: 4 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http finalize request: 404, "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=&it=5&si=0&li=10" a:1, c:1 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http special response: 404, "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http set discard body 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 uploadprogress error-tracker error: 404 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 uploadprogress error-tracker not tracking in this location 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 xslt filter header 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 posix_memalign: 00000000020EBF90:4096 @16 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Server: nginx Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 21:49:27 GMT Content-Type: text/html Transfer-Encoding: chunked Connection: keep-alive Keep-Alive: timeout=10 Vary: Accept-Encoding Content-Encoding: gzip

2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: _32 write new buf t:1 f:0 00000000020EC128, pos 00000000020EC128, size: 226 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http write filter: l:0 f:0 s:226 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http output filter "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http copy filter: "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 image filter 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 xslt filter body 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http postpone filter "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=&it=5&si=0&li=10" 00000000020EC388 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http gzip filter 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 malloc: 0000000002309360:16384 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip alloc: n:1 s:5936 a:8192 p:0000000002309360 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip alloc: n:1024 s:2 a:2048 p:000000000230B360 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip alloc: n:1024 s:2 a:2048 p:000000000230BB60 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip alloc: n:1024 s:2 a:2048 p:000000000230C360 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip alloc: n:512 s:4 a:2048 p:000000000230CB60 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip in: 00000000020EC3C8 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip in_buf:00000000020EC230 ni:0000000000713B40 ai:116 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 malloc: 000000000230D370:8192 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 deflate in: ni:0000000000713B40 no:000000000230D370 ai:116 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 deflate out: ni:0000000000713BB4 no:000000000230D370 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip in_buf:00000000020EC230 pos:0000000000713B40 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip in: 00000000020EC3D8 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip in_buf:00000000020EC280 ni:00000000007134E0 ai:46 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 deflate in: ni:00000000007134E0 no:000000000230D370 ai:46 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 deflate out: ni:000000000071350E no:000000000230D370 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip in_buf:00000000020EC280 pos:00000000007134E0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip in: 00000000020EC3E8 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip in_buf:00000000020EC2D0 ni:0000000000713520 ai:402 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 deflate in: ni:0000000000713520 no:000000000230D370 ai:402 ao:8192 fl:4 redo:0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 deflate out: ni:00000000007136B2 no:000000000230D414 ai:0 ao:8028 rc:1 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip in_buf:00000000020EC2D0 pos:0000000000713520 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 free: 0000000002309360 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http chunk: 10 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http chunk: 172 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 write old buf t:1 f:0 00000000020EC128, pos 00000000020EC128, size: 226 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 write new buf t:1 f:0 00000000020EC548, pos 00000000020EC548, size: 4 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 00000000007178C8, size: 10 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 write new buf t:1 f:0 000000000230D370, pos 000000000230D370, size: 172 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 00000000004E2438, size: 7 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http write filter: l:1 f:1 s:419 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http write filter limit 0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 writev: 419 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http write filter 0000000000000000 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http copy filter: 0 "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http finalize request: 0, "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=&it=5&si=0&li=10" a:1, c:1 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 set http keepalive handler 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http close request 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http log handler 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 free: 000000000230D370 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 free: 0000000000000000 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 free: 00000000021A26E0, unused: 0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 free: 00000000020EBF90, unused: 2149 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 event timer add: 22: 10000:1345153777153 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 free: 00000000021A43E0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 free: 00000000021A3BF0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 hc free: 0000000000000000 0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 hc busy: 0000000000000000 0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 tcp_nodelay 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 reusable connection: 1 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 post event 0000000002239128 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 delete posted event 0000000002239128 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http keepalive handler 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 malloc: 00000000021A3BF0:1024 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 recv: fd:22 -1 of 1024 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 recv() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 post event 0000000002239128 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 delete posted event 0000000002239128 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http keepalive handler 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 recv: fd:22 620 of 1024 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 reusable connection: 0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 malloc: 00000000021A43E0:1312 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 posix_memalign: 00000000021A26E0:4096 @16 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http process request line 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http request line: "GET /sites/all/instant/query.php?q=a&it=6&si=0&li=10 HTTP/1.1" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http uri: "/sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http args: "q=a&it=6&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http exten: "php" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http process request header line 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http header: "Host:" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http header: "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http header: "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_0) AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.57 Safari/537.1" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http header: "Accept: application/json, text/javascript, /_; q=0.01" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: _32 http header: "Referer:" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http header: "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http header: "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http header: "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,_;q=0.3" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: _32 http header: "X-Real-Forwarded-For:" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http header: "Cookie: SESS42bdb844c70469a9af0272bf361e8fdb=6XJlrqpv1DC5Ag-Fu8gel6RlDXQ3HKY4dcGTBwS-Ufc" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http header: "X-Varnish: 265967755" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http header done 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 event timer del: 22: 1345153777153 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 generic phase: 0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 rewrite phase: 1 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script var 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http map started 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script var: "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_0) AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.57 Safari/537.1" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http map: "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_0) AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.57 Safari/537.1" "0" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script var: "0" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script if 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script if: false 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script var 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http geo started: 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http geo: 0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script var: "0" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script if 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script if: false 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script var 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http map started 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script var: "GET" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http map: "GET" "0" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script var: "0" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script if 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http script if: false 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: "instant/" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: "/" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: "patches" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: "robots.txt" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: "update.php" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: "sitemap.xml" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: "/sites/default/files/private/" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: "/sites/default/files/advagg_js/" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: "/sites/default/files/advagg_css/" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: "/help/" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: ~ "/files/styles/" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: ~ "^.+.(?:css|js|jpe?g|gif|ico|png|html|xml)$" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: ~ "^.+.(?:pdf|pptx?)$" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: ~ "^(?:.+.(?:htaccess|make|txt|engine|inc|info|install|module|profile|po|sh|._sql|test|theme|tpl(?:.php)?|xtmpl)||/Entries.|/Repository|/Root|/Tag|/Template)$" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: ~ "^.+.php$" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 using configuration "^.+.php$" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http cl:-1 max:10485760 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 rewrite phase: 3 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 rewrite phase: 4 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http finalize request: 404, "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=a&it=6&si=0&li=10" a:1, c:1 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http special response: 404, "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=a&it=6&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http set discard body 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 uploadprogress error-tracker error: 404 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 uploadprogress error-tracker not tracking in this location 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 xslt filter header 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 posix_memalign: 00000000020EBF90:4096 @16 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Server: nginx Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 21:49:27 GMT Content-Type: text/html Transfer-Encoding: chunked Connection: keep-alive Keep-Alive: timeout=10 Vary: Accept-Encoding Content-Encoding: gzip

2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 write new buf t:1 f:0 00000000020EC128, pos 00000000020EC128, size: 226 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http write filter: l:0 f:0 s:226 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http output filter "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=a&it=6&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http copy filter: "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=a&it=6&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 image filter 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 xslt filter body 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http postpone filter "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=a&it=6&si=0&li=10" 00000000020EC388 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http gzip filter 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 malloc: 0000000002309360:16384 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip alloc: n:1 s:5936 a:8192 p:0000000002309360 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip alloc: n:1024 s:2 a:2048 p:000000000230B360 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip alloc: n:1024 s:2 a:2048 p:000000000230BB60 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip alloc: n:1024 s:2 a:2048 p:000000000230C360 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip alloc: n:512 s:4 a:2048 p:000000000230CB60 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip in: 00000000020EC3C8 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip in_buf:00000000020EC230 ni:0000000000713B40 ai:116 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 malloc: 000000000230D370:8192 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 deflate in: ni:0000000000713B40 no:000000000230D370 ai:116 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 deflate out: ni:0000000000713BB4 no:000000000230D370 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip in_buf:00000000020EC230 pos:0000000000713B40 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip in: 00000000020EC3D8 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip in_buf:00000000020EC280 ni:00000000007134E0 ai:46 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 deflate in: ni:00000000007134E0 no:000000000230D370 ai:46 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 deflate out: ni:000000000071350E no:000000000230D370 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip in_buf:00000000020EC280 pos:00000000007134E0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip in: 00000000020EC3E8 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip in_buf:00000000020EC2D0 ni:0000000000713520 ai:402 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 deflate in: ni:0000000000713520 no:000000000230D370 ai:402 ao:8192 fl:4 redo:0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 deflate out: ni:00000000007136B2 no:000000000230D414 ai:0 ao:8028 rc:1 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 gzip in_buf:00000000020EC2D0 pos:0000000000713520 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 free: 0000000002309360 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http chunk: 10 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http chunk: 172 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 write old buf t:1 f:0 00000000020EC128, pos 00000000020EC128, size: 226 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 write new buf t:1 f:0 00000000020EC548, pos 00000000020EC548, size: 4 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 00000000007178C8, size: 10 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 write new buf t:1 f:0 000000000230D370, pos 000000000230D370, size: 172 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 00000000004E2438, size: 7 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http write filter: l:1 f:1 s:419 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http write filter limit 0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 writev: 419 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http write filter 0000000000000000 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http copy filter: 0 "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=a&it=6&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http finalize request: 0, "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=a&it=6&si=0&li=10" a:1, c:1 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 set http keepalive handler 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http close request 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http log handler 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 free: 000000000230D370 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 free: 0000000000000000 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 free: 00000000021A26E0, unused: 0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 free: 00000000020EBF90, unused: 2148 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 event timer add: 22: 10000:1345153777912 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 free: 00000000021A43E0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 free: 00000000021A3BF0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 hc free: 0000000000000000 0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 hc busy: 0000000000000000 0 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 reusable connection: 1 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 post event 0000000002239128 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 delete posted event 0000000002239128 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http keepalive handler 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 malloc: 00000000021A3BF0:1024 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 recv: fd:22 -1 of 1024 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 recv() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) 2012/08/16 21:49:37 [debug] 17901#0: 32 event timer del: 22: 1345153777912 2012/08/16 21:49:37 [debug] 17901#0: 32 http keepalive handler 2012/08/16 21:49:37 [debug] 17901#0: 32 close http connection: 22 2012/08/16 21:49:37 [debug] 17901#0: 32 reusable connection: 0 2012/08/16 21:49:37 [debug] 17901#0: 32 free: 00000000021A3BF0 2012/08/16 21:49:37 [debug] 17901#0: 32 free: 0000000000000000 2012/08/16 21:49:37 [debug] 17901#0: 32 free: 00000000021A5D90, unused: 8 2012/08/16 21:49:37 [debug] 17901#0: *32 free: 00000000020F44C0, unused: 128

perusio commented 12 years ago

You omitted the beginning slash. I overlooked that. As you can see:

2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: *32 test location: "instant/"
2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: *32 test location: "/"
2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: *32 test location: "patches"
2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: *32 test location: "robots.txt"
2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: *32 test location: "update.php"
2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: *32 test location: "sitemap.xml"
2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: *32 test location: "/sites/default/files/private/"
2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: *32 test location: "/sites/default/files/advagg_js/"
2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: *32 test location: "/sites/default/files/advagg_css/"
2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: *32 test location: "/help/"
2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: *32 test location: ~ "/files/styles/"
2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: *32 test location: ~ "^.+.(?:css|js|jpe?g|gif|ico|png|html|xml)$"

2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: _32 test location: ~ "^.+.(?:pdf|pptx?)$" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: ~ "^(?:.+.(?:htaccess|make|txt|engine|inc|info|install|module|profile|po|sh|._sql|test|theme|tpl(?:.php)?|xtmpl)||/Entries.|/Repository|/Root|/Tag|/Template)$" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: 32 test location: ~ "^.+.php$" 2012/08/16 21:49:27 [debug] 17901#0: *32 using configuration "^.+.php$"

it's entering the catch all non listed PHP files location, hence the 404.

Right now. It assumes that the root is under sites/all. You can specify a different root in the /instant location if you wish.

HMoen commented 12 years ago

I added the beginning slash and it still does not work, you will find the error.log output below. My config file is:

location ^~ /instant/ {
    location ~ ^/instant/(?:query|Document/Response)\.php$ {
            root /var/www/beta; (I have the "instant" folder in root and under /sites/all; with/without this line it does not work)
            include fastcgi_drupal.conf;
            fastcgi_param  QUERY_STRING $query_string;
            fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_NAME $fastcgi_script_name;

I really appreciate your time. Thank you!

2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: post event 0000000001106E50 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: delete posted event 0000000001106E50 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: accept on, ready: 1 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: posix_memalign: 0000000000FB45C0:256 @16 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: _8 accept: fd:22 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 event timer add: 22: 60000:1345164219400 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 epoll add event: fd:22 op:1 ev:80000001 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: accept() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 post event 00000000011070C0 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 delete posted event 00000000011070C0 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 malloc: 00000000010738F0:1312 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 posix_memalign: 0000000000FC27C0:256 @16 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 malloc: 00000000010707B0:1024 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 posix_memalign: 0000000001072220:4096 @16 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http process request line 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 recv: fd:22 620 of 1024 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http request line: "GET /sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=3&si=0&li=10 HTTP/1.1" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http uri: "/sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http args: "q=s&it=3&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http exten: "php" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http process request header line 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http header: "Host:" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http header: "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http header: "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_80) AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.57 Safari/537.1" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http header: "Accept: application/json, text/javascript, /; q=0.01" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http header: "Referer:" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http header: "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http header: "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: *8 http header: "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,;q=0.3" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: _8 http header: "X-Real-Forwarded-For:" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http header: "Cookie: SESS42bdb844c70469a9af0272bf361e8fdb=6XJlrqpv1DC5Ag-Fu8gel6RlDXQ3HKY4dcGTBwS-Ufc" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http header: "X-Varnish: 265970368" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http header done 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 event timer del: 22: 1345164219400 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 generic phase: 0 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 rewrite phase: 1 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http script var 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http map started 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http script var: "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_0) AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.57 Safari/537.1" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http map: "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_0) AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.57 Safari/537.1" "0" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http script var: "0" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http script if 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http script if: false 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http script var 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http geo started: 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http geo: 0 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http script var: "0" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http script if 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http script if: false 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http script var 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http map started 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http script var: "GET" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http map: "GET" "0" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http script var: "0" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http script if 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http script if: false 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 test location: "/" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 test location: "nginx_status" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 test location: "robots.txt" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 test location: "update.php" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 test location: "sitemap.xml" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 test location: "/sites/default/files/private/" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 test location: "/sites/default/files/advagg_js/" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 test location: "/sites/default/files/advagg_css/" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 test location: "/help/" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 test location: ~ "/files/styles/" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 test location: ~ "^.+.(?:css|js|jpe?g|gif|ico|png|html|xml)$" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 test location: ~ "^.+.(?:pdf|pptx?)$" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 test location: ~ "^(?:.+.(?:htaccess|make|txt|engine|inc|info|install|module|profile|po|sh|._sql|test|theme|tpl(?:.php)?|xtmpl)||/Entries.|/Repository|/Root|/Tag|/Template)$" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 test location: ~ "^.+.php$" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 using configuration "^.+.php$" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http cl:-1 max:10485760 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 rewrite phase: 3 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 rewrite phase: 4 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http finalize request: 404, "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=3&si=0&li=10" a:1, c:1 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http special response: 404, "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=3&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http set discard body 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 uploadprogress error-tracker error: 404 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 uploadprogress error-tracker not tracking in this location 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 xslt filter header 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 posix_memalign: 0000000000FBA8D0:4096 @16 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: *8 HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Server: nginx Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 00:42:39 GMT Content-Type: text/html Transfer-Encoding: chunked Connection: keep-alive Keep-Alive: timeout=10 Vary: Accept-Encoding Content-Encoding: gzip

2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: _8 write new buf t:1 f:0 0000000000FBAA68, pos 0000000000FBAA68, size: 226 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http write filter: l:0 f:0 s:226 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http output filter "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=3&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http copy filter: "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=3&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 image filter 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 xslt filter body 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http postpone filter "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=3&si=0&li=10" 0000000000FBACC8 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http gzip filter 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 malloc: 00000000011D6E70:16384 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 gzip alloc: n:1 s:5936 a:8192 p:00000000011D6E70 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 gzip alloc: n:1024 s:2 a:2048 p:00000000011D8E70 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 gzip alloc: n:1024 s:2 a:2048 p:00000000011D9670 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 gzip alloc: n:1024 s:2 a:2048 p:00000000011D9E70 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 gzip alloc: n:512 s:4 a:2048 p:00000000011DA670 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 gzip in: 0000000000FBAD08 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 gzip in_buf:0000000000FBAB70 ni:0000000000713B40 ai:116 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 malloc: 00000000011DAE80:8192 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 deflate in: ni:0000000000713B40 no:00000000011DAE80 ai:116 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 deflate out: ni:0000000000713BB4 no:00000000011DAE80 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 gzip in_buf:0000000000FBAB70 pos:0000000000713B40 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 gzip in: 0000000000FBAD18 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 gzip in_buf:0000000000FBABC0 ni:00000000007134E0 ai:46 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 deflate in: ni:00000000007134E0 no:00000000011DAE80 ai:46 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 deflate out: ni:000000000071350E no:00000000011DAE80 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 gzip in_buf:0000000000FBABC0 pos:00000000007134E0 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 gzip in: 0000000000FBAD28 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 gzip in_buf:0000000000FBAC10 ni:0000000000713520 ai:402 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 deflate in: ni:0000000000713520 no:00000000011DAE80 ai:402 ao:8192 fl:4 redo:0 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 deflate out: ni:00000000007136B2 no:00000000011DAF24 ai:0 ao:8028 rc:1 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 gzip in_buf:0000000000FBAC10 pos:0000000000713520 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 free: 00000000011D6E70 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http chunk: 10 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http chunk: 172 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 write old buf t:1 f:0 0000000000FBAA68, pos 0000000000FBAA68, size: 226 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 write new buf t:1 f:0 0000000000FBAE88, pos 0000000000FBAE88, size: 4 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 00000000007178C8, size: 10 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 write new buf t:1 f:0 00000000011DAE80, pos 00000000011DAE80, size: 172 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 00000000004E2438, size: 7 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http write filter: l:1 f:1 s:419 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http write filter limit 0 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 writev: 419 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http write filter 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http copy filter: 0 "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=3&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http finalize request: 0, "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=3&si=0&li=10" a:1, c:1 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 set http keepalive handler 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http close request 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http log handler 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 free: 00000000011DAE80 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 free: 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 free: 0000000001072220, unused: 0 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 free: 0000000000FBA8D0, unused: 2148 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 event timer add: 22: 10000:1345164169400 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 free: 00000000010738F0 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 free: 00000000010707B0 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 hc free: 0000000000000000 0 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 hc busy: 0000000000000000 0 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 tcp_nodelay 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 reusable connection: 1 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 post event 00000000011070C0 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 delete posted event 00000000011070C0 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http keepalive handler 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 malloc: 00000000010707B0:1024 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 recv: fd:22 -1 of 1024 2012/08/17 00:42:39 [debug] 18716#0: 8 recv() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) 2012/08/17 00:42:49 [debug] 18716#0: 8 event timer del: 22: 1345164169400 2012/08/17 00:42:49 [debug] 18716#0: 8 http keepalive handler 2012/08/17 00:42:49 [debug] 18716#0: 8 close http connection: 22 2012/08/17 00:42:49 [debug] 18716#0: 8 reusable connection: 0 2012/08/17 00:42:49 [debug] 18716#0: 8 free: 00000000010707B0 2012/08/17 00:42:49 [debug] 18716#0: 8 free: 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 00:42:49 [debug] 18716#0: 8 free: 0000000000FB45C0, unused: 8 2012/08/17 00:42:49 [debug] 18716#0: 8 free: 0000000000FC27C0, unused: 128 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: post event 0000000001106E50 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: delete posted event 0000000001106E50 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: accept on, ready: 1 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: posix_memalign: 0000000000FB45C0:256 @16 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 accept: fd:22 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 event timer add: 22: 60000:1345164246127 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 epoll add event: fd:22 op:1 ev:80000001 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: accept() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 post event 00000000011070C0 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 delete posted event 00000000011070C0 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 malloc: 00000000010738F0:1312 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 posix_memalign: 0000000000FC27C0:256 @16 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 malloc: 00000000010707B0:1024 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 posixmemalign: 0000000001072220:4096 @16 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http process request line 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 recv: fd:22 271 of 1024 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http request line: "GET /node/251425 HTTP/1.1" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http uri: "/node/251425" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http args: "" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http exten: "" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http process request header line 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http header: "Host:" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http header: "Accept: /" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: _9 http header: "From: googlebot(at)" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http header: "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http header: "X-Real-Forwarded-For:" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http header: "X-Varnish: 265970369" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http header: "Accept-Encoding: gzip" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http header done 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 event timer del: 22: 1345164246127 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 generic phase: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 rewrite phase: 1 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http map started 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http map: "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +" "0" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "0" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script if 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script if: false 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http geo started: 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http geo: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "0" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script if 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script if: false 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http map started 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "GET" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http map: "GET" "0" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "0" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script if 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script if: false 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: "/" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: "nginx_status" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: "robots.txt" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: "ping-drei" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: "ping" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: "patches" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: "/sites/default/files/private/" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: "/sites/default/files/advagg_js/" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: "/sites/default/files/advagg_css/" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: "/help/" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: ~ "/files/styles/" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: ~ "^.+.(?:css|js|jpe?g|gif|ico|png|html|xml)$" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: ~ "^.+.(?:pdf|pptx?)$" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: ~ "^(?:.+.(?:htaccess|make|txt|engine|inc|info|install|module|profile|po|sh|.sql|test|theme|tpl(?:.php)?|xtmpl)||/Entries.|/Repository|/Root|/Tag|/Template)$" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: ~ "^.+.php$" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: ~ "^(.)/x-progress-id:(\w)" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 using configuration "/" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http cl:-1 max:10485760 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 rewrite phase: 3 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 rewrite phase: 4 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 post rewrite phase: 5 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 generic phase: 6 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 generic phase: 7 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 generic phase: 8 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 limit conn: 651F5F40 1 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 add cleanup: 0000000001073090 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 access phase: 9 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 access phase: 10 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 access phase: 11 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 access phase: 12 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 post access phase: 13 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 try files phase: 14 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "/node/251425" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 trying to use file: "/node/251425" "/var/www/beta/node/251425" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 trying to use file: "@drupal" "/var/www/beta@drupal" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: "@drupal" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 using location: @drupal "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 rewrite phase: 3 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 rewrite phase: 4 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 post rewrite phase: 5 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 generic phase: 6 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 generic phase: 7 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 generic phase: 8 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 access phase: 9 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 access phase: 10 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 access phase: 11 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 access phase: 12 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 post access phase: 13 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 try files phase: 14 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 upload-progress: ngx_http_uploadprogress_content_handler 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 posix_memalign: 0000000000FBA8D0:4096 @16 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http init upstream, client timer: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 epoll add event: fd:22 op:3 ev:80000005 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "/node/251425" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http cache key: "" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http map started 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http map: "" "0" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "0" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 add cleanup: 00000000010731E0 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http file cache exists: -5 e:0 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 cache file: "/var/cache/nginx/microcache/4/15/eb41eedfda6eea27199a27f69a5d1154" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 add cleanup: 00000000010731F8 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http upstream cache: -5 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script copy: "QUERY_STRING" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script copy: "q=" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "/node/251425" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script copy: "&" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 fastcgi param: "QUERY_STRING: q=/node/251425&" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script copy: "REQUEST_METHOD" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "GET" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 fastcgi param: "REQUEST_METHOD: GET" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script copy: "CONTENT_TYPE" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 fastcgi param: "CONTENT_TYPE: " 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script copy: "CONTENT_LENGTH" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 fastcgi param: "CONTENT_LENGTH: " 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script copy: "SCRIPT_NAME" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script copy: "/index.php" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 fastcgi param: "SCRIPT_NAME: /index.php" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script copy: "REQUEST_URI" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "/node/251425" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 fastcgi param: "REQUEST_URI: /node/251425" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script copy: "DOCUMENT_URI" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "/node/251425" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 fastcgi param: "DOCUMENT_URI: /node/251425" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script copy: "DOCUMENT_ROOT" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "/var/www/beta" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 fastcgi param: "DOCUMENT_ROOT: /var/www/beta" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script copy: "SERVER_PROTOCOL" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "HTTP/1.1" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 fastcgi param: "SERVER_PROTOCOL: HTTP/1.1" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script copy: "GATEWAY_INTERFACE" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script copy: "CGI/1.1" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 fastcgi param: "GATEWAY_INTERFACE: CGI/1.1" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script copy: "SERVER_SOFTWARE" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script copy: "nginx/" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "1.2.3" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 fastcgi param: "SERVER_SOFTWARE: nginx/1.2.3" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script copy: "REMOTE_ADDR" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 fastcgi param: "REMOTE_ADDR:" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script copy: "REMOTE_PORT" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "44448" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 fastcgi param: "REMOTE_PORT: 44448" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script copy: "SERVER_ADDR" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 fastcgi param: "SERVER_ADDR:" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script copy: "SERVER_PORT" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "8001" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 fastcgi param: "SERVER_PORT: 8001" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script copy: "SERVER_NAME" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 fastcgi param: "SERVER_NAME:" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script copy: "REDIRECT_STATUS" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script copy: "200" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 fastcgi param: "REDIRECT_STATUS: 200" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script copy: "SCRIPT_FILENAME" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "/var/www/beta" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script copy: "/index.php" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 fastcgi param: "SCRIPT_FILENAME: /var/www/beta/index.php" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 fastcgi param: "HTTP_HOST:" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 fastcgi param: "HTTPACCEPT: */" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 fastcgi param: "HTTP_FROM: googlebot(at)" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 fastcgi param: "HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 fastcgi param: "HTTP_X_REAL_FORWARDED_FOR:" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 fastcgi param: "HTTP_X_VARNISH: 265970369" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 fastcgi param: "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING: gzip" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http cleanup add: 0000000000FBB398 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 init keepalive peer 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 get keepalive peer 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 get rr peer, try: 1 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 socket 23 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 epoll add connection: fd:23 ev:80000005 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 connect to, fd:23 #10 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http upstream connect: -2 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 posix_memalign: 0000000000FC38E0:128 @16 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 event timer add: 23: 60000:1345164246127 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http finalize request: -4, "/node/251425?" a:1, c:3 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http request count:3 blk:0 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http finalize request: -4, "/node/251425?" a:1, c:2 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http request count:2 blk:0 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 post event 000000000116F0D0 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 post event 000000000116F000 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 delete posted event 000000000116F000 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http upstream request: "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http upstream send request handler 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http upstream send request 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 chain writer buf fl:0 s:736 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 chain writer in: 0000000000FBB410 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 writev: 736 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 chain writer out: 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 event timer del: 23: 1345164246127 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 event timer add: 23: 14400000:1345178586128 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 delete posted event 000000000116F0D0 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http run request: "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http upstream check client, write event:1, "/node/251425" 2012/08/17 00:43:06 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http upstream recv(): -1 (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 post event 0000000001106FF0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 post event 000000000116F000 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 delete posted event 000000000116F000 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http upstream request: "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http upstream dummy handler 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 delete posted event 0000000001106FF0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http upstream request: "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http upstream process header 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 malloc: 0000000000FBB8E0:4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 recv: fd:23 4017 of 4017 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 06 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 02 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 06 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 02 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record length: 518 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi parser: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi header: "Status: 404 Not Found" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi parser: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi header: "X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.10-1ubuntu3.2" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi parser: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi header: "X-Drupal-Cache: MISS" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi parser: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi header: "Set-Cookie: SESS42bdb844c70469a9af0272bf361e8fdb=7YPmCKiN8N2v4OvtOKuRFq1ifoqFfef6EW_DS6O8iCQ; expires=Sun, 09-Sep-2012 04:16:34 GMT; path=/;; HttpOnly" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi parser: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi header: "Etag: "1345164186-0"" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi parser: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi header: "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi parser: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi header: "Content-Language: es" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi parser: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi header: "X-Generator: Drupal 7 (" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi parser: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 posix_memalign: 00000000011D6E70:4096 @16 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi header: "Cache-Control: public, max-age=21600" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi parser: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi header: "Last-Modified: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 00:43:06 +0000" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi parser: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi header: "Expires: Sun, 19 Nov 1978 05:00:00 GMT" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi parser: 1 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi header done 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 uploadprogress error-tracker error: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 xslt filter header 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Server: nginx Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 00:43:14 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked Connection: keep-alive Keep-Alive: timeout=10 Vary: Accept-Encoding X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.10-1ubuntu3.2 Set-Cookie: SESS42bdb844c70469a9af0272bf361e8fdb=7YPmCKiN8N2v4OvtOKuRFq1ifoqFfef6EW_DS6O8iCQ; expires=Sun, 09-Sep-2012 04:16:34 GMT; path=/;; HttpOnly Etag: "1345164186-0" Content-Language: es Cache-Control: public, max-age=21600 Last-Modified: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 00:43:06 +0000 Expires: Sun, 19 Nov 1978 05:00:00 GMT Content-Encoding: gzip

2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: _9 write new buf t:1 f:0 00000000011D7118, pos 00000000011D7118, size: 629 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http write filter: l:0 f:0 s:629 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "0" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http cacheable: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http file cache free, fd: -1 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http upstream process upstream 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe read upstream: 1 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe preread: 3491 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 06 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 76 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 28 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record length: 30248 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 input buf #0 0000000000FBBB47 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 input buf 0000000000FBBB47 3481 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 malloc: 00000000011D7E80:4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 readv: 1:4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe recv chain: 4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 input buf #1 00000000011D7E80 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 input buf 00000000011D7E80 4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 malloc: 00000000011D8E90:4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 readv: 1:4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe recv chain: 4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 input buf #2 00000000011D8E90 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 input buf 00000000011D8E90 4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 malloc: 00000000011D9EA0:4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 readv: 1:4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe recv chain: 4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 input buf #3 00000000011D9EA0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 input buf 00000000011D9EA0 4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 malloc: 00000000011DAEB0:4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 readv: 1:4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe recv chain: 4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 input buf #4 00000000011DAEB0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 input buf 00000000011DAEB0 4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 malloc: 00000000011DBEC0:4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 readv: 1:4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe recv chain: 4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 input buf #5 00000000011DBEC0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 input buf 00000000011DBEC0 4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 malloc: 00000000011DCED0:4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 readv: 1:4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe recv chain: 4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 input buf #6 00000000011DCED0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 input buf 00000000011DCED0 4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 malloc: 00000000011DDEE0:4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 readv: 1:4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe recv chain: 2191 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 readv: 1:1905 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 readv() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe recv chain: -2 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe buf in s:1 t:1 f:0 0000000000FBB8E0, pos 0000000000FBBB47, size: 3481 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe buf in s:1 t:1 f:0 00000000011D7E80, pos 00000000011D7E80, size: 4096 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe buf in s:1 t:1 f:0 00000000011D8E90, pos 00000000011D8E90, size: 4096 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe buf in s:1 t:1 f:0 00000000011D9EA0, pos 00000000011D9EA0, size: 4096 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe buf in s:1 t:1 f:0 00000000011DAEB0, pos 00000000011DAEB0, size: 4096 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe buf in s:1 t:1 f:0 00000000011DBEC0, pos 00000000011DBEC0, size: 4096 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe buf in s:1 t:1 f:0 00000000011DCED0, pos 00000000011DCED0, size: 4096 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00000000011DDEE0, pos 00000000011DDEE0, size: 2191 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe length: 2191 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 input buf #7 00000000011DDEE0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 input buf 00000000011DDEE0 2191 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe write downstream: 1 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe write busy: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe write buf ls:1 0000000000FBBB47 3481 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe write buf ls:1 00000000011D7E80 4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe write buf ls:1 00000000011D8E90 4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe write: out:00000000011D7508, f:1 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http output filter "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http copy filter: "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 image filter 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 xslt filter body 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http postpone filter "/node/251425?" 00000000011D74A8 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http gzip filter 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 malloc: 00000000011DEEF0:270336 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip alloc: n:1 s:5936 a:8192 p:00000000011DEEF0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip alloc: n:32768 s:2 a:65536 p:00000000011E0EF0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip alloc: n:32768 s:2 a:65536 p:00000000011F0EF0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip alloc: n:32768 s:2 a:65536 p:0000000001200EF0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip alloc: n:16384 s:4 a:65536 p:0000000001210EF0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in: 00000000011D7AE0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in_buf:00000000011D74B8 ni:0000000000FBBB47 ai:3481 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 malloc: 0000000001220F00:8192 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 deflate in: ni:0000000000FBBB47 no:0000000001220F00 ai:3481 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 deflate out: ni:0000000000FBC8E0 no:0000000001220F00 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in_buf:00000000011D74B8 pos:0000000000FBBB47 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in: 00000000011D7AF0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in_buf:00000000011D7578 ni:00000000011D7E80 ai:4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 deflate in: ni:00000000011D7E80 no:0000000001220F00 ai:4096 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 deflate out: ni:00000000011D8E80 no:0000000001220F00 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in_buf:00000000011D7578 pos:00000000011D7E80 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in: 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http copy filter: 0 "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe write busy: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe write buf ls:1 00000000011D8E90 4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe write buf ls:1 00000000011D9EA0 4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe write buf ls:1 00000000011DAEB0 4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe write: out:00000000011D7688, f:1 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http output filter "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http copy filter: "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 image filter 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 xslt filter body 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http postpone filter "/node/251425?" 00000000011D7B60 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http gzip filter 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in: 00000000011D7B80 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in_buf:00000000011D7638 ni:00000000011D8E90 ai:4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 deflate in: ni:00000000011D8E90 no:0000000001220F00 ai:4096 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 deflate out: ni:00000000011D9E90 no:0000000001220F00 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in_buf:00000000011D7638 pos:00000000011D8E90 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in: 00000000011D7B90 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in_buf:00000000011D76F8 ni:00000000011D9EA0 ai:4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 deflate in: ni:00000000011D9EA0 no:0000000001220F00 ai:4096 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 deflate out: ni:00000000011DAEA0 no:0000000001220F00 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in_buf:00000000011D76F8 pos:00000000011D9EA0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in: 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http copy filter: 0 "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe write busy: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe write buf ls:1 00000000011DAEB0 4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe write buf ls:1 00000000011DBEC0 4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe write buf ls:1 00000000011DCED0 4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe write: out:00000000011D7808, f:1 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http output filter "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http copy filter: "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 image filter 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 xslt filter body 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http postpone filter "/node/251425?" 00000000011D7BA0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http gzip filter 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in: 00000000011D7BC0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in_buf:00000000011D77B8 ni:00000000011DAEB0 ai:4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 deflate in: ni:00000000011DAEB0 no:0000000001220F00 ai:4096 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 deflate out: ni:00000000011DBEB0 no:0000000001220F00 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in_buf:00000000011D77B8 pos:00000000011DAEB0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in: 00000000011D7BD0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in_buf:00000000011D7878 ni:00000000011DBEC0 ai:4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 deflate in: ni:00000000011DBEC0 no:0000000001220F00 ai:4096 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 deflate out: ni:00000000011DCEC0 no:0000000001220F00 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in_buf:00000000011D7878 pos:00000000011DBEC0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in: 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http copy filter: 0 "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe write busy: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe write buf ls:1 00000000011DCED0 4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe write buf ls:1 00000000011DDEE0 2191 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe write: out:00000000011D7988, f:0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http output filter "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http copy filter: "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 image filter 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 xslt filter body 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http postpone filter "/node/251425?" 00000000011D7BE0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http gzip filter 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in: 00000000011D7C00 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in_buf:00000000011D7938 ni:00000000011DCED0 ai:4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 deflate in: ni:00000000011DCED0 no:0000000001220F00 ai:4096 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 deflate out: ni:00000000011DDED0 no:0000000001220F00 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in_buf:00000000011D7938 pos:00000000011DCED0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in: 00000000011D7C10 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in_buf:00000000011D79F8 ni:00000000011DDEE0 ai:2191 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 deflate in: ni:00000000011DDEE0 no:0000000001220F00 ai:2191 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 deflate out: ni:00000000011DE76F no:0000000001220F00 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in_buf:00000000011D79F8 pos:00000000011DDEE0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in: 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http copy filter: 0 "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe write busy: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe write: out:0000000000000000, f:0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe read upstream: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00000000011DCED0, pos 00000000011DCED0, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00000000011DDEE0, pos 00000000011DDEE0, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00000000011DAEB0, pos 00000000011DAEB0, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00000000011DBEC0, pos 00000000011DBEC0, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00000000011D8E90, pos 00000000011D8E90, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00000000011D9EA0, pos 00000000011D9EA0, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 0000000000FBB8E0, pos 0000000000FBB8E0, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00000000011D7E80, pos 00000000011D7E80, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe length: 1 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 event timer del: 23: 1345178586128 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 event timer add: 23: 14400000:1345178594709 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 post event 000000000116F000 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 delete posted event 000000000116F000 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http upstream request: "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http upstream dummy handler 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 post event 0000000001106FF0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 post event 000000000116F000 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 delete posted event 000000000116F000 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http upstream request: "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http upstream dummy handler 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 delete posted event 0000000001106FF0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http upstream request: "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http upstream process upstream 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe read upstream: 1 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 readv: 8:4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe recv chain: 32 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 readv: 8:4096 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 readv() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe recv chain: -2 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00000000011DCED0, pos 00000000011DCED0, size: 32 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00000000011DDEE0, pos 00000000011DDEE0, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00000000011DAEB0, pos 00000000011DAEB0, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00000000011DBEC0, pos 00000000011DBEC0, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00000000011D8E90, pos 00000000011D8E90, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00000000011D9EA0, pos 00000000011D9EA0, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 0000000000FBB8E0, pos 0000000000FBB8E0, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00000000011D7E80, pos 00000000011D7E80, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe length: 1 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 06 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 04 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 04 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record length: 4 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 input buf #8 00000000011DCED8 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 03 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 08 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi record length: 8 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http fastcgi sent end request 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 input buf 00000000011DCED8 4 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe write downstream: 1 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe write downstream flush in 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http output filter "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http copy filter: "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 image filter 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 xslt filter body 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http postpone filter "/node/251425?" 00000000011D7A48 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http gzip filter 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in: 00000000011D7BE0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in_buf:00000000011D79F8 ni:00000000011DCED8 ai:4 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 deflate in: ni:00000000011DCED8 no:0000000001220F00 ai:4 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 deflate out: ni:00000000011DCEDC no:0000000001220F00 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in_buf:00000000011D79F8 pos:00000000011DCED8 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in: 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http copy filter: 0 "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 pipe write downstream done 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 event timer: 23, old: 1345178594709, new: 1345178594977 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http upstream exit: 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 finalize http upstream request: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 finalize http fastcgi request 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 free keepalive peer 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 free keepalive peer: saving connection 00007F6FBDBCC310 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 event timer del: 23: 1345178594709 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 free rr peer 1 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http upstream temp fd: -1 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http output filter "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http copy filter: "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 image filter 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 xslt filter body 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http postpone filter "/node/251425?" 00007FFF9E5F4560 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http gzip filter 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in: 00000000011D7C70 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in_buf:00000000011D7C20 ni:0000000000000000 ai:0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 deflate in: ni:0000000000000000 no:0000000001220F00 ai:0 ao:8192 fl:4 redo:0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 deflate out: ni:0000000000000000 no:0000000001222B93 ai:0 ao:877 rc:1 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 gzip in_buf:00000000011D7C20 pos:0000000000000000 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 free: 00000000011DEEF0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http chunk: 10 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http chunk: 7323 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 write old buf t:1 f:0 00000000011D7118, pos 00000000011D7118, size: 629 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 write new buf t:1 f:0 00000000011D7D70, pos 00000000011D7D70, size: 6 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 00000000007178C8, size: 10 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 write new buf t:1 f:0 0000000001220F00, pos 0000000001220F00, size: 7323 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 00000000004E2438, size: 7 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http write filter: l:1 f:1 s:7975 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http write filter limit 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 writev: 7975 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http write filter 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http copy filter: 0 "/node/251425?" 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http finalize request: 0, "/node/251425?" a:1, c:1 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 set http keepalive handler 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http close request 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http log handler 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 posix_memalign: 00000000011DEEF0:4096 @16 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 run cleanup: 00000000010731E0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 run cleanup: 0000000001073090 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 free: 0000000001220F00 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 free: 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 free: 00000000011DDEE0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 free: 00000000011DCED0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 free: 00000000011DBEC0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 free: 00000000011DAEB0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 free: 00000000011D9EA0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 free: 00000000011D8E90 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 free: 00000000011D7E80 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 free: 0000000000FBB8E0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 free: 0000000001072220, unused: 1 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 free: 0000000000FBA8D0, unused: 8 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 free: 00000000011D6E70, unused: 72 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 free: 00000000011DEEF0, unused: 3872 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 event timer add: 22: 10000:1345164204977 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 free: 00000000010738F0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 free: 00000000010707B0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 hc free: 0000000000000000 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 hc busy: 0000000000000000 0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 tcp_nodelay 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 reusable connection: 1 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 post event 00000000011070C0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 delete posted event 00000000011070C0 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http keepalive handler 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 malloc: 00000000010707B0:1024 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 recv: fd:22 -1 of 1024 2012/08/17 00:43:14 [debug] 18716#0: 9 recv() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 post event 00000000011070C0 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 post event 000000000116F0D0 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 delete posted event 000000000116F0D0 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http empty handler 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 delete posted event 00000000011070C0 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http keepalive handler 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 recv: fd:22 254 of 1024 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 reusable connection: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 malloc: 00000000010738F0:1312 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 posix_memalign: 0000000001072220:4096 @16 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http process request line 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http request line: "GET /sites/default/files/images/adam/parent/9687.jpg HTTP/1.1" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http uri: "/sites/default/files/images/adam/parent/9687.jpg" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http args: "" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http exten: "jpg" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http process request header line 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http header: "Host:" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http header: "Accept: /_" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http header: "From: googlebot(at)" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http header: "User-Agent: Googlebot-Image/1.0" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http header: "X-Real-Forwarded-For:" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http header: "X-Varnish: 265970370" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http header: "Accept-Encoding: gzip" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http header done 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 event timer del: 22: 1345164204977 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 generic phase: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 rewrite phase: 1 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http map started 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "Googlebot-Image/1.0" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http map: "Googlebot-Image/1.0" "0" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "0" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script if 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script if: false 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http geo started: 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http geo: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "0" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script if 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script if: false 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http map started 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "GET" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http map: "GET" "0" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script var: "0" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script if 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http script if: false 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: "/" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: "nginx_status" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: "robots.txt" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: "update.php" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: "sitemap.xml" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: "/sites/default/files/private/" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: "/sites/default/files/advagg_js/" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: "/sites/default/files/audio/m4a" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: ~ "/files/styles/" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 test location: ~ "^.+.(?:css|js|jpe?g|gif|ico|png|html|xml)$" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 using configuration "^.+.(?:css|js|jpe?g|gif|ico|png|html|xml)$" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http cl:-1 max:10485760 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 rewrite phase: 3 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 rewrite phase: 4 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 post rewrite phase: 5 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 generic phase: 6 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 generic phase: 7 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 generic phase: 8 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 limit conn: 651F5F40 1 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 add cleanup: 0000000001073028 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 access phase: 9 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 access phase: 10 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 access phase: 11 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 access phase: 12 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 post access phase: 13 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 try files phase: 14 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 content phase: 15 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 content phase: 16 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 content phase: 17 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 content phase: 18 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 content phase: 19 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 content phase: 20 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 content phase: 21 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http filename: "/var/www/beta/sites/default/files/images/adam/parent/9687.jpg" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 add cleanup: 0000000001073090 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 malloc: 00000000010FD010:144 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 malloc: 00000000010FD0B0:62 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 cached open file: /var/www/beta/sites/default/files/images/adam/parent/9687.jpg, fd:24, c:1, e:0, u:1 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http static fd: 24 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http set discard body 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 posix_memalign: 0000000000FBA8D0:4096 @16 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 uploadprogress error-tracker error: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 xslt filter header 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: *9 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 00:43:20 GMT Content-Type: image/jpeg Content-Length: 74938 Last-Modified: Thu, 02 Aug 2012 03:24:27 GMT Connection: keep-alive Keep-Alive: timeout=10 Expires: Sun, 16 Sep 2012 00:43:20 GMT Cache-Control: max-age=2592000 X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Accept-Ranges: bytes

2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 write new buf t:1 f:0 0000000000FBA960, pos 0000000000FBA960, size: 337 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http write filter: l:0 f:0 s:337 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http output filter "/sites/default/files/images/adam/parent/9687.jpg?" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http copy filter: "/sites/default/files/images/adam/parent/9687.jpg?" 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 image filter 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 xslt filter body 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http postpone filter "/sites/default/files/images/adam/parent/9687.jpg?" 00007FFF9E5F4540 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 write old buf t:1 f:0 0000000000FBA960, pos 0000000000FBA960, size: 337 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 write new buf t:0 f:1 0000000000000000, pos 0000000000000000, size: 0 file: 0, size: 74938 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http write filter: l:1 f:0 s:75275 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 http write filter limit 0 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 no tcp_nodelay 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 tcp_nopush 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 writev: 337 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 sendfile: @0 74938 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug] 18716#0: 9 sendfile: 74938, @0 74938:74938 2012/08/17 00:43:20 [debug]

perusio commented 12 years ago

Nginx doesn't find the /instant location. Did you commented out that location? As you can see it tries all locations until it finds one it fits.

Try setting it to:

location ^~ /sites/all/instant/ {
    location ~ ^/sites/all/instant/(?:query|Document|Response)\.php$ {
        include fastcgi_drupal.conf;
        fastcgi_param  QUERY_STRING $query_string;
        fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_NAME $fastcgi_script_name;
        fastcgi_pass phpcgi;
perusio commented 12 years ago

Off course either symlink the directory with the files to sites/all or copy them to there.

HMoen commented 12 years ago

It seems to find the directory now, but it does not work on the site still. Here's the output:

2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: _7 post event 000000000225B1F8 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 post event 00000000022C3208 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 delete posted event 00000000022C3208 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http empty handler 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 delete posted event 000000000225B1F8 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http keepalive handler 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 recv: fd:28 620 of 1024 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 reusable connection: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 malloc: 000000000210CC00:1312 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 posix_memalign: 000000000210E980:4096 @16 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http process request line 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http request line: "GET /sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10 HTTP/1.1" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http uri: "/sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http args: "q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http exten: "php" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http process request header line 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http header: "Host:" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http header: "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http header: "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_80) AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.57 Safari/537.1" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http header: "Accept: application/json, text/javascript, /; q=0.01" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http header: "Referer:" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http header: "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http header: "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: *7 http header: "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,;q=0.3" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: _7 http header: "X-Real-Forwarded-For:" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http header: "Cookie: SESS42bdb844c70469a9af0272bf361e8fdb=6XJlrqpv1DC5Ag-Fu8gel6RlDXQ3HKY4dcGTBwS-Ufc" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http header: "X-Varnish: 265970664" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http header done 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 event timer del: 28: 1345166530798 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 generic phase: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 rewrite phase: 1 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script var 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http map started 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script var: "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_0) AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.57 Safari/537.1" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http map: "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_0) AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.57 Safari/537.1" "0" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script var: "0" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script if 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script if: false 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script var 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http geo started: 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http geo: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script var: "0" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script if 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script if: false 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script var 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http map started 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script var: "GET" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http map: "GET" "0" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script var: "0" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script if 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script if: false 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 test location: "/" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 test location: "patches" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 test location: "rss.xml" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 test location: "update.php" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 test location: "sites/all/instant/" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 test location: ~ "^/sites/all/instant/(?:query|Document|Response).php$" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 using configuration "^/sites/all/instant/(?:query|Document|Response).php$" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http cl:-1 max:10485760 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 rewrite phase: 3 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 rewrite phase: 4 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 post rewrite phase: 5 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 generic phase: 6 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 generic phase: 7 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 generic phase: 8 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 limit conn: 651F5F40 1 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 add cleanup: 000000000210F888 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 access phase: 9 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 access phase: 10 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 access phase: 11 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 access phase: 12 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 post access phase: 13 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 try files phase: 14 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 posix_memalign: 0000000002392330:4096 @16 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http init upstream, client timer: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "QUERY_STRING" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "q=" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script var: "/sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "&" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script var: "q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "QUERY_STRING: q=/sites/all/instant/query.php&q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "REQUEST_METHOD" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script var: "GET" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "REQUEST_METHOD: GET" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "CONTENT_TYPE" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "CONTENT_TYPE: " 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "CONTENT_LENGTH" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "CONTENT_LENGTH: " 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "SCRIPT_NAME" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "/index.php" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "SCRIPT_NAME: /index.php" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "REQUEST_URI" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script var: "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "REQUEST_URI: /sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "DOCUMENT_URI" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script var: "/sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "DOCUMENT_URI: /sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "DOCUMENT_ROOT" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script var: "/var/www/beta" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "DOCUMENT_ROOT: /var/www/beta" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "SERVER_PROTOCOL" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script var: "HTTP/1.1" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "SERVER_PROTOCOL: HTTP/1.1" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "GATEWAY_INTERFACE" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "CGI/1.1" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "GATEWAY_INTERFACE: CGI/1.1" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "SERVER_SOFTWARE" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "nginx/" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script var: "1.2.3" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "SERVER_SOFTWARE: nginx/1.2.3" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "REMOTE_ADDR" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script var: "" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "REMOTE_ADDR:" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "REMOTE_PORT" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script var: "44955" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "REMOTE_PORT: 44955" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "SERVER_ADDR" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script var: "" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "SERVER_ADDR:" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "SERVER_PORT" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script var: "8001" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "SERVER_PORT: 8001" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "SERVER_NAME" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script var: "" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "SERVER_NAME:" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "REDIRECT_STATUS" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "200" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "REDIRECT_STATUS: 200" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "SCRIPT_FILENAME" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script var: "/var/www/beta" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "/index.php" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "SCRIPT_FILENAME: /var/www/beta/index.php" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "QUERY_STRING" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script var: "q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "QUERY_STRING: q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script copy: "SCRIPT_NAME" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http script var: "/sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "SCRIPT_NAME: /sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "HTTP_HOST:" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH: XMLHttpRequest" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_0) AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.57 Safari/537.1" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "HTTP_ACCEPT: application/json, text/javascript, /_; q=0.01" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: _7 fastcgi param: "HTTP_REFERER:" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING: gzip,deflate,sdch" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE: en-US,en;q=0.8" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "HTTP_ACCEPTCHARSET: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,;q=0.3" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "HTTP_X_REAL_FORWARDED_FOR:" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "HTTP_COOKIE: SESS42bdb844c70469a9af0272bf361e8fdb=6XJlrqpv1DC5Ag-Fu8gel6RlDXQ3HKY4dcGTBwS-Ufc" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 fastcgi param: "HTTP_X_VARNISH: 265970664" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http cleanup add: 000000000210F968 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 init keepalive peer 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 get keepalive peer 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 get rr peer, try: 1 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 get keepalive peer: using connection 00007F6635E01310 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http upstream connect: -4 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http upstream send request 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 chain writer buf fl:0 s:1224 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 chain writer in: 0000000002392D80 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 writev: 1224 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 chain writer out: 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 event timer add: 23: 14400000:1345180930438 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http finalize request: -4, "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" a:1, c:2 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http request count:2 blk:0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 post event 000000000225AFF0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 post event 00000000022C3000 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 delete posted event 00000000022C3000 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http upstream request: "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http upstream dummy handler 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 delete posted event 000000000225AFF0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http upstream request: "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http upstream process header 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 malloc: 0000000002393340:4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 recv: fd:23 4096 of 4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 06 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 58 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record length: 344 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi parser: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi header: "Status: 404 Not Found" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi parser: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi header: "X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.10-1ubuntu3.2" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi parser: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi header: "Expires: Sun, 19 Nov 1978 05:00:00 GMT" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi parser: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi header: "Last-Modified: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 01:22:10 +0000" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi parser: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi header: "Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi parser: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi header: "ETag: "1345166530"" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi parser: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi header: "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi parser: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi header: "Content-Language: es" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi parser: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi header: "X-Generator: Drupal 7 (" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi parser: 1 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi header done 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 uploadprogress error-tracker error: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 xslt filter header 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 posix_memalign: 0000000002394350:4096 @16 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: *7 HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Server: nginx Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 01:22:10 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked Connection: keep-alive Keep-Alive: timeout=10 Vary: Accept-Encoding X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.10-1ubuntu3.2 Expires: Sun, 19 Nov 1978 05:00:00 GMT Last-Modified: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 01:22:10 +0000 Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0 ETag: "1345166530" Content-Language: es Content-Encoding: gzip

2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 write new buf t:1 f:0 0000000002394478, pos 0000000002394478, size: 477 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http write filter: l:0 f:0 s:477 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http cacheable: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http upstream process upstream 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe read upstream: 1 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe preread: 3744 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 06 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 6A 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 80 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record length: 27264 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 input buf #0 00000000023934A8 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 input buf 00000000023934A8 3736 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 malloc: 0000000002395360:4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 readv: 1:4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe recv chain: 4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 input buf #1 0000000002395360 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 input buf 0000000002395360 4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 malloc: 0000000002396370:4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 readv: 1:4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe recv chain: 4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 input buf #2 0000000002396370 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 input buf 0000000002396370 4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 malloc: 0000000002397380:4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 readv: 1:4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe recv chain: 4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 input buf #3 0000000002397380 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 input buf 0000000002397380 4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 malloc: 0000000002398390:4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 readv: 1:4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe recv chain: 4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 input buf #4 0000000002398390 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 input buf 0000000002398390 4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 malloc: 00000000023993A0:4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 readv: 1:4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe recv chain: 4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 input buf #5 00000000023993A0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 input buf 00000000023993A0 4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 malloc: 000000000239A3B0:4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 readv: 1:4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe recv chain: 3048 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 readv: 1:1048 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 readv() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe recv chain: -2 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe buf in s:1 t:1 f:0 0000000002393340, pos 00000000023934A8, size: 3736 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe buf in s:1 t:1 f:0 0000000002395360, pos 0000000002395360, size: 4096 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe buf in s:1 t:1 f:0 0000000002396370, pos 0000000002396370, size: 4096 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe buf in s:1 t:1 f:0 0000000002397380, pos 0000000002397380, size: 4096 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe buf in s:1 t:1 f:0 0000000002398390, pos 0000000002398390, size: 4096 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe buf in s:1 t:1 f:0 00000000023993A0, pos 00000000023993A0, size: 4096 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 000000000239A3B0, pos 000000000239A3B0, size: 3048 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe length: 3048 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 input buf #6 000000000239A3B0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 input buf 000000000239A3B0 3048 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe write downstream: 1 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe write busy: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe write buf ls:1 00000000023934A8 3736 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe write buf ls:1 0000000002395360 4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe write buf ls:1 0000000002396370 4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe write: out:0000000002393318, f:1 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http output filter "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http copy filter: "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 image filter 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 xslt filter body 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http postpone filter "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 0000000002393308 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http gzip filter 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 malloc: 000000000232AE70:270336 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip alloc: n:1 s:5936 a:8192 p:000000000232AE70 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip alloc: n:32768 s:2 a:65536 p:000000000232CE70 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip alloc: n:32768 s:2 a:65536 p:000000000233CE70 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip alloc: n:32768 s:2 a:65536 p:000000000234CE70 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip alloc: n:16384 s:4 a:65536 p:000000000235CE70 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in: 0000000002394CB8 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in_buf:0000000002394760 ni:00000000023934A8 ai:3736 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 malloc: 000000000239B3C0:8192 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 deflate in: ni:00000000023934A8 no:000000000239B3C0 ai:3736 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 deflate out: ni:0000000002394340 no:000000000239B3C0 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in_buf:0000000002394760 pos:00000000023934A8 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in: 0000000002394CC8 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in_buf:0000000002394810 ni:0000000002395360 ai:4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 deflate in: ni:0000000002395360 no:000000000239B3C0 ai:4096 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 deflate out: ni:0000000002396360 no:000000000239B3C0 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in_buf:0000000002394810 pos:0000000002395360 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in: 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http copy filter: 0 "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe write busy: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe write buf ls:1 0000000002396370 4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe write buf ls:1 0000000002397380 4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe write buf ls:1 0000000002398390 4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe write: out:0000000002394920, f:1 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http output filter "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http copy filter: "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 image filter 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 xslt filter body 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http postpone filter "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 0000000002394D38 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http gzip filter 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in: 0000000002394D58 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in_buf:00000000023948D0 ni:0000000002396370 ai:4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 deflate in: ni:0000000002396370 no:000000000239B3C0 ai:4096 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 deflate out: ni:0000000002397370 no:000000000239B3C0 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in_buf:00000000023948D0 pos:0000000002396370 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in: 0000000002394D68 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in_buf:0000000002394990 ni:0000000002397380 ai:4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 deflate in: ni:0000000002397380 no:000000000239B3C0 ai:4096 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 deflate out: ni:0000000002398380 no:000000000239B3C0 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in_buf:0000000002394990 pos:0000000002397380 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in: 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http copy filter: 0 "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe write busy: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe write buf ls:1 0000000002398390 4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe write buf ls:1 00000000023993A0 4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe write buf ls:1 000000000239A3B0 3048 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe write: out:0000000002394AA0, f:1 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http output filter "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http copy filter: "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 image filter 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 xslt filter body 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http postpone filter "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 0000000002394D78 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http gzip filter 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in: 0000000002394D98 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in_buf:0000000002394A50 ni:0000000002398390 ai:4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 deflate in: ni:0000000002398390 no:000000000239B3C0 ai:4096 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 deflate out: ni:0000000002399390 no:000000000239B3C0 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in_buf:0000000002394A50 pos:0000000002398390 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in: 0000000002394DA8 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in_buf:0000000002394B10 ni:00000000023993A0 ai:4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 deflate in: ni:00000000023993A0 no:000000000239B3C0 ai:4096 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 deflate out: ni:000000000239A3A0 no:000000000239B3C0 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in_buf:0000000002394B10 pos:00000000023993A0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in: 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http copy filter: 0 "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe write busy: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe write buf ls:1 000000000239A3B0 3048 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe write: out:0000000002394C20, f:0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http output filter "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http copy filter: "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 image filter 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 xslt filter body 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http postpone filter "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 0000000002394C20 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http gzip filter 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in: 0000000002394DB8 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in_buf:0000000002394BD0 ni:000000000239A3B0 ai:3048 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 deflate in: ni:000000000239A3B0 no:000000000239B3C0 ai:3048 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 deflate out: ni:000000000239AF98 no:000000000239B3C0 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in_buf:0000000002394BD0 pos:000000000239A3B0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in: 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http copy filter: 0 "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe write busy: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe write: out:0000000000000000, f:0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe read upstream: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 000000000239A3B0, pos 000000000239A3B0, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 0000000002398390, pos 0000000002398390, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00000000023993A0, pos 00000000023993A0, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 0000000002396370, pos 0000000002396370, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 0000000002397380, pos 0000000002397380, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 0000000002393340, pos 0000000002393340, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 0000000002395360, pos 0000000002395360, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe length: 1 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 event timer del: 23: 1345180930438 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 event timer add: 23: 14400000:1345180930841 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 post event 00000000022C3000 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 delete posted event 00000000022C3000 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http upstream request: "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http upstream dummy handler 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 post event 000000000225AFF0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 post event 00000000022C3000 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 delete posted event 00000000022C3000 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http upstream request: "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http upstream dummy handler 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 delete posted event 000000000225AFF0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http upstream request: "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http upstream process upstream 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe read upstream: 1 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 readv: 7:4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe recv chain: 32 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 readv: 7:4096 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 readv() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe recv chain: -2 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 000000000239A3B0, pos 000000000239A3B0, size: 32 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 0000000002398390, pos 0000000002398390, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00000000023993A0, pos 00000000023993A0, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 0000000002396370, pos 0000000002396370, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 0000000002397380, pos 0000000002397380, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 0000000002393340, pos 0000000002393340, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 0000000002395360, pos 0000000002395360, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe length: 1 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 06 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 02 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 06 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record length: 2 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 input buf #7 000000000239A3B8 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 03 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 08 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi record length: 8 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http fastcgi sent end request 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 input buf 000000000239A3B8 2 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe write downstream: 1 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe write downstream flush in 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http output filter "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http copy filter: "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 image filter 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 xslt filter body 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http postpone filter "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 0000000002394C20 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http gzip filter 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in: 0000000002394DC8 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in_buf:0000000002394BD0 ni:000000000239A3B8 ai:2 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 deflate in: ni:000000000239A3B8 no:000000000239B3C0 ai:2 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 deflate out: ni:000000000239A3BA no:000000000239B3C0 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in_buf:0000000002394BD0 pos:000000000239A3B8 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in: 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http copy filter: 0 "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 pipe write downstream done 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 event timer: 23, old: 1345180930841, new: 1345180930862 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http upstream exit: 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 finalize http upstream request: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 finalize http fastcgi request 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 free keepalive peer 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 free keepalive peer: saving connection 00007F6635E01310 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 event timer del: 23: 1345180930841 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 free rr peer 1 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http upstream temp fd: -1 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http output filter "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http copy filter: "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 image filter 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 xslt filter body 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http postpone filter "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 00007FFF840DC720 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http gzip filter 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in: 0000000002394E28 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in_buf:0000000002394DD8 ni:0000000000000000 ai:0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 deflate in: ni:0000000000000000 no:000000000239B3C0 ai:0 ao:8192 fl:4 redo:0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 deflate out: ni:0000000000000000 no:000000000239CD4E ai:0 ao:1650 rc:1 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 gzip in_buf:0000000002394DD8 pos:0000000000000000 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 free: 000000000232AE70 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http chunk: 10 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http chunk: 6550 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 write old buf t:1 f:0 0000000002394478, pos 0000000002394478, size: 477 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 write new buf t:1 f:0 0000000002394F28, pos 0000000002394F28, size: 6 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 00000000007178C8, size: 10 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 write new buf t:1 f:0 000000000239B3C0, pos 000000000239B3C0, size: 6550 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 00000000004E2438, size: 7 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http write filter: l:1 f:1 s:7050 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http write filter limit 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 writev: 7050 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http write filter 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http copy filter: 0 "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http finalize request: 0, "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=s&it=5&si=0&li=10" a:1, c:1 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 set http keepalive handler 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http close request 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http log handler 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 run cleanup: 000000000210F888 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 free: 000000000239B3C0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 free: 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 free: 000000000239A3B0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 free: 00000000023993A0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 free: 0000000002398390 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 free: 0000000002397380 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 free: 0000000002396370 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 free: 0000000002395360 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 free: 0000000002393340 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 free: 000000000210E980, unused: 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 free: 0000000002392330, unused: 8 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 free: 0000000002394350, unused: 580 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 event timer add: 28: 10000:1345166540862 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 free: 000000000210CC00 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 free: 00000000021160A0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 hc free: 0000000000000000 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 hc busy: 0000000002116010 0 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 reusable connection: 1 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 post event 000000000225B1F8 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 delete posted event 000000000225B1F8 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 http keepalive handler 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 malloc: 00000000021160A0:1024 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: 7 recv: fd:28 -1 of 1024 2012/08/17 01:22:10 [debug] 19029#0: *7 recv() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)

perusio commented 12 years ago

Are the files really under the sites/all directory? On a first look it seems all FCGI params are correct.

HMoen commented 12 years ago

Here's my directory structure:

root@webserver:/var/www/beta/sites/all# pwd /var/www/beta/sites/all root@webserver:/var/www/beta/sites/all# ls -al total 32 drwxr-xr-x 7 root www-data 4096 Aug 15 23:10 . drwxr-xr-x 5 root www-data 4096 Aug 6 22:17 .. drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Aug 15 23:10 instant drwxr-xr-x 14 root www-data 4096 Jul 18 22:36 libraries drwxr-xr-x 161 root www-data 4096 Aug 16 12:01 modules -rw-r--r-- 1 root www-data 347 Aug 6 22:17 README.txt drwxr-xr-x 6 root www-data 4096 Aug 16 12:22 .svn drwxr-xr-x 5 root www-data 4096 Jul 16 14:55 themes root@webserver:/var/www/beta/sites/all#

HMoen commented 12 years ago

When I use my "very amateur" nginx setup, it does work and this is what I get from the debug log:

Server: nginx Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 01:41:14 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked Connection: keep-alive Vary: Accept-Encoding X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.10-1ubuntu3.2 X-Drupal-Cache: MISS Set-Cookie: SESS42bdb844c70469a9af0272bf361e8fdb=EeBn3AZ3oRIJGdnmOt7oeIgDfqS04EmJO2SR-4wN96E; expires=Sun, 09-Sep-2012 05:14:34 GMT; path=/;; HttpOnly Etag: "1345167674-0" Content-Language: es X-Generator: Drupal 7 ( Cache-Control: public, max-age=21600 Last-Modified: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 01:41:14 +0000 Expires: Sun, 19 Nov 1978 05:00:00 GMT Content-Encoding: gzip

2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: _27 write new buf t:1 f:0 0000000001AF6B60, pos 0000000001AF6B60, size: 670 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http write filter: l:0 f:0 s:670 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http cacheable: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream process upstream 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe read upstream: 1 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe preread: 27322 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 readv: 1:4920 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 readv() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe recv chain: -2 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 0000000001C02C90, pos 0000000001C02E9E, size: 27322 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe length: -1 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe write downstream: 1 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe write busy: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe write: out:0000000000000000, f:0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe read upstream: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 0000000001C02C90, pos 0000000001C02E9E, size: 27322 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe length: -1 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 event timer del: 15: 1345168874138 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 event timer add: 15: 1200000:1345168874775 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 post event 0000000001BE8E20 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 delete posted event 0000000001BE8E20 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream request: "/index.php?q=es/tema/el-tiempo-de-pantalla-y-los-ninos" 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream dummy handler 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 post event 0000000001BCEE10 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 post event 0000000001BE8E20 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 delete posted event 0000000001BE8E20 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream request: "/index.php?q=es/tema/el-tiempo-de-pantalla-y-los-ninos" 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream dummy handler 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 delete posted event 0000000001BCEE10 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream request: "/index.php?q=es/tema/el-tiempo-de-pantalla-y-los-ninos" 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream process upstream 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe read upstream: 1 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 readv: 1:4920 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe recv chain: 32 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 readv: 1:4888 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe recv chain: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 0000000001C02C90, pos 0000000001C02E9E, size: 27354 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe length: -1 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 06 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 6A 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: B0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record length: 27312 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 input buf #0 0000000001C02EA8 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 06 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 02 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 06 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record length: 2 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 input buf #0 0000000001C09960 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 03 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 08 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record length: 8 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi sent end request 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 input buf 0000000001C09960 2 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe write downstream: 1 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe write downstream flush in 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http output filter "/index.php?q=es/tema/el-tiempo-de-pantalla-y-los-ninos" 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http copy filter: "/index.php?q=es/tema/el-tiempo-de-pantalla-y-los-ninos" 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 image filter 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 xslt filter body 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http postpone filter "/index.php?q=es/tema/el-tiempo-de-pantalla-y-los-ninos" 0000000001AF6B08 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http gzip filter 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 malloc: 0000000001C0ACA0:270336 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 gzip alloc: n:1 s:5936 a:8192 p:0000000001C0ACA0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 gzip alloc: n:32768 s:2 a:65536 p:0000000001C0CCA0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 gzip alloc: n:32768 s:2 a:65536 p:0000000001C1CCA0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 gzip alloc: n:32768 s:2 a:65536 p:0000000001C2CCA0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 gzip alloc: n:16384 s:4 a:65536 p:0000000001C3CCA0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 gzip in: 0000000001AF6EC8 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 gzip in_buf:0000000001AF6A98 ni:0000000001C02EA8 ai:27312 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 malloc: 0000000001AF7B50:8192 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 deflate in: ni:0000000001C02EA8 no:0000000001AF7B50 ai:27312 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 deflate out: ni:0000000001C09958 no:0000000001AF7B50 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 gzip in_buf:0000000001AF6A98 pos:0000000001C02EA8 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 gzip in: 0000000001AF6ED8 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 gzip in_buf:0000000001AF6E00 ni:0000000001C09960 ai:2 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 deflate in: ni:0000000001C09960 no:0000000001AF7B50 ai:2 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 deflate out: ni:0000000001C09962 no:0000000001AF7B50 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 gzip in_buf:0000000001AF6E00 pos:0000000001C09960 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 gzip in: 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http copy filter: 0 "/index.php?q=es/tema/el-tiempo-de-pantalla-y-los-ninos" 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe write downstream done 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 event timer: 15, old: 1345168874775, new: 1345168874793 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream exit: 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 finalize http upstream request: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 finalize http fastcgi request 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 free rr peer 1 0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 close http upstream connection: 15 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 free: 0000000001B008E0, unused: 48 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 event timer del: 15: 1345168874775 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 reusable connection: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream temp fd: -1 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http output filter "/index.php?q=es/tema/el-tiempo-de-pantalla-y-los-ninos" 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http copy filter: "/index.php?q=es/tema/el-tiempo-de-pantalla-y-los-ninos" 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 image filter 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 xslt filter body 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http postpone filter "/index.php?q=es/tema/el-tiempo-de-pantalla-y-los-ninos" 00007FFF7EA71590 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http gzip filter 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 gzip in: 0000000001AF6B18 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 gzip in_buf:0000000001AF6F48 ni:0000000000000000 ai:0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 deflate in: ni:0000000000000000 no:0000000001AF7B50 ai:0 ao:8192 fl:4 redo:0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 deflate out: ni:0000000000000000 no:0000000001AF9147 ai:0 ao:2569 rc:1 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 gzip in_buf:0000000001AF6F48 pos:0000000000000000 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 free: 0000000001C0ACA0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http chunk: 10 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http chunk: 5631 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 write old buf t:1 f:0 0000000001AF6B60, pos 0000000001AF6B60, size: 670 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 write new buf t:1 f:0 0000000001AF7078, pos 0000000001AF7078, size: 6 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 00000000007178C8, size: 10 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 write new buf t:1 f:0 0000000001AF7B50, pos 0000000001AF7B50, size: 5631 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 00000000004E2438, size: 7 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http write filter: l:1 f:1 s:6324 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http write filter limit 0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 writev: 6324 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http write filter 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http copy filter: 0 "/index.php?q=es/tema/el-tiempo-de-pantalla-y-los-ninos" 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http finalize request: 0, "/index.php?q=es/tema/el-tiempo-de-pantalla-y-los-ninos" a:1, c:1 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 set http keepalive handler 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http close request 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http log handler 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 free: 0000000001AF7B50 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 free: 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 free: 0000000001C02C90 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 free: 0000000001AFF8D0, unused: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 free: 0000000001AF5B30, unused: 8 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 free: 0000000001AF6B40, unused: 2354 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 event timer add: 14: 65000:1345167739793 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 free: 0000000001AFF3A0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 free: 0000000001AFEF90 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 hc free: 0000000000000000 0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 hc busy: 0000000000000000 0 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 reusable connection: 1 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 post event 0000000001BCEDA8 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 delete posted event 0000000001BCEDA8 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http keepalive handler 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 malloc: 0000000001AFEF90:1024 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 recv: fd:14 -1 of 1024 2012/08/17 01:41:14 [debug] 19179#0: 27 recv() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 post event 0000000001BCEDA8 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 post event 0000000001BE8DB8 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 delete posted event 0000000001BE8DB8 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http empty handler 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 delete posted event 0000000001BCEDA8 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http keepalive handler 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 recv: fd:14 620 of 1024 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 reusable connection: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 malloc: 0000000001AFF3A0:1312 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 posix_memalign: 0000000001AFF8D0:4096 @16 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http process request line 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http request line: "GET /sites/all/instant/query.php?q=&it=14&si=0&li=10 HTTP/1.1" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http uri: "/sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http args: "q=&it=14&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http exten: "php" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http process request header line 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http header: "Host:" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http header: "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http header: "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_0) AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.57 Safari/537.1" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http header: "Accept: application/json, text/javascript, /_; q=0.01" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: _27 http header: "Referer:" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http header: "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http header: "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http header: "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,_;q=0.3" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http header: "X-Real-Forwarded-For:" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http header: "Cookie: SESS42bdb844c70469a9af0272bf361e8fdb=6XJlrqpv1DC5Ag-Fu8gel6RlDXQ3HKY4dcGTBwS-Ufc" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http header: "X-Varnish: 265971284" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http header done 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 event timer del: 14: 1345167739793 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 generic phase: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 rewrite phase: 1 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 test location: "/" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 test location: "favicon.ico" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 test location: "robots.txt" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 test location: ~ ".(txt|log)$" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: *27 test location: ~ "../._.php$" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 test location: ~ "files/styles" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 test location: ~ "^.+.(css|js|gif|png|jpg|jpeg|ico)$" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 test location: ~ "files/generate" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 test location: ~ ".php$" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 using configuration ".php$" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http cl:-1 max:104857600 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 rewrite phase: 3 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 rewrite phase: 4 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 post rewrite phase: 5 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 generic phase: 6 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 generic phase: 7 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 generic phase: 8 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 access phase: 9 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 access phase: 10 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 access phase: 11 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 access phase: 12 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 post access phase: 13 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 try files phase: 14 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 posix_memalign: 0000000001AF5B30:4096 @16 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http init upstream, client timer: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "SCRIPT_FILENAME" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "/var/www/beta" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "/sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "SCRIPT_FILENAME: /var/www/beta/sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "PATH_INFO" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "/sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "PATH_INFO: /sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "QUERY_STRING" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "q=&it=14&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "QUERY_STRING: q=&it=14&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "REQUEST_METHOD" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "GET" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "REQUEST_METHOD: GET" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "CONTENT_TYPE" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "CONTENT_TYPE: " 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "CONTENT_LENGTH" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "CONTENT_LENGTH: " 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "SCRIPT_FILENAME" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "/var/www/beta/sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "SCRIPT_FILENAME: /var/www/beta/sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "SCRIPT_NAME" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "/sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "SCRIPT_NAME: /sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "REQUEST_URI" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=&it=14&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "REQUEST_URI: /sites/all/instant/query.php?q=&it=14&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "DOCUMENT_URI" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "/sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "DOCUMENT_URI: /sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "DOCUMENT_ROOT" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "/var/www/beta" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "DOCUMENT_ROOT: /var/www/beta" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "SERVER_PROTOCOL" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "HTTP/1.1" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "SERVER_PROTOCOL: HTTP/1.1" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "GATEWAY_INTERFACE" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "CGI/1.1" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "GATEWAY_INTERFACE: CGI/1.1" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "SERVER_SOFTWARE" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "nginx/" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "1.2.3" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "SERVER_SOFTWARE: nginx/1.2.3" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "REMOTE_ADDR" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "REMOTE_ADDR:" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "REMOTE_PORT" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "45449" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "REMOTE_PORT: 45449" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "SERVER_ADDR" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "SERVER_ADDR:" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "SERVER_PORT" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "8001" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "SERVER_PORT: 8001" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "SERVER_NAME" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "SERVER_NAME:" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "HTTPS" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "HTTPS: " 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "REDIRECT_STATUS" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "200" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "REDIRECT_STATUS: 200" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "HTTP_HOST:" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH: XMLHttpRequest" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_0) AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.57 Safari/537.1" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "HTTP_ACCEPT: application/json, text/javascript, /_; q=0.01" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: _27 fastcgi param: "HTTP_REFERER:" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING: gzip,deflate,sdch" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE: en-US,en;q=0.8" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "HTTP_ACCEPTCHARSET: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,;q=0.3" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "HTTP_X_REAL_FORWARDED_FOR:" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "HTTP_COOKIE: SESS42bdb844c70469a9af0272bf361e8fdb=6XJlrqpv1DC5Ag-Fu8gel6RlDXQ3HKY4dcGTBwS-Ufc" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "HTTP_X_VARNISH: 265971284" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http cleanup add: 0000000001AF6258 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 get rr peer, try: 1 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 socket 15 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 epoll add connection: fd:15 ev:80000005 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 connect to, fd:15 #31 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream connect: -2 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 posix_memalign: 0000000001B008E0:128 @16 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 event timer add: 15: 60000:1345167742404 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http finalize request: -4, "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=&it=14&si=0&li=10" a:1, c:2 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http request count:2 blk:0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 post event 0000000001BE8E20 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 delete posted event 0000000001BE8E20 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream request: "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=&it=14&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream send request handler 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream send request 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 chain writer buf fl:0 s:1256 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 chain writer in: 0000000001AF6290 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 writev: 1256 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 chain writer out: 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 event timer del: 15: 1345167742404 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 event timer add: 15: 1200000:1345168882405 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 post event 0000000001BCEE10 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 post event 0000000001BE8E20 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 delete posted event 0000000001BE8E20 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream request: "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=&it=14&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream dummy handler 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 delete posted event 0000000001BCEE10 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream request: "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=&it=14&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream process header 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 malloc: 0000000001C02C90:32768 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 recv: fd:15 88 of 32768 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 06 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 40 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record length: 64 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi parser: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi header: "X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.10-1ubuntu3.2" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi parser: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi header: "Content-type: text/html" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi parser: 1 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi header done 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 uploadprogress error-tracker error: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 xslt filter header 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: *27 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 01:41:22 GMT Content-Type: text/html Transfer-Encoding: chunked Connection: keep-alive Vary: Accept-Encoding X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.10-1ubuntu3.2 Content-Encoding: gzip

2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: _27 write new buf t:1 f:0 0000000001AF65F8, pos 0000000001AF65F8, size: 232 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http write filter: l:0 f:0 s:232 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http cacheable: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream process upstream 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe read upstream: 1 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe preread: 16 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 readv: 1:32680 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe recv chain: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 0000000001C02C90, pos 0000000001C02CD8, size: 16 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe length: -1 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 03 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 08 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi record length: 8 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http fastcgi sent end request 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 free: 0000000001C02C90 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe write downstream: 1 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 pipe write downstream done 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 event timer: 15, old: 1345168882405, new: 1345168882406 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream exit: 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 finalize http upstream request: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 finalize http fastcgi request 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 free rr peer 1 0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 close http upstream connection: 15 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 free: 0000000001B008E0, unused: 48 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 event timer del: 15: 1345168882405 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 reusable connection: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream temp fd: -1 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http output filter "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=&it=14&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http copy filter: "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=&it=14&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 image filter 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 xslt filter body 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http postpone filter "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=&it=14&si=0&li=10" 00007FFF7EA71550 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http gzip filter 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 malloc: 0000000001C02C90:270336 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 gzip alloc: n:1 s:5936 a:8192 p:0000000001C02C90 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 gzip alloc: n:32768 s:2 a:65536 p:0000000001C04C90 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 gzip alloc: n:32768 s:2 a:65536 p:0000000001C14C90 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 gzip alloc: n:32768 s:2 a:65536 p:0000000001C24C90 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 gzip alloc: n:16384 s:4 a:65536 p:0000000001C34C90 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 gzip in: 0000000001AF68C0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 gzip in_buf:0000000001AF6808 ni:0000000000000000 ai:0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 malloc: 0000000001AF6B40:8192 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 deflate in: ni:0000000000000000 no:0000000001AF6B40 ai:0 ao:8192 fl:4 redo:0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 deflate out: ni:0000000000000000 no:0000000001AF6B42 ai:0 ao:8190 rc:1 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 gzip in_buf:0000000001AF6808 pos:0000000000000000 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 free: 0000000001C02C90 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http chunk: 10 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http chunk: 10 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 write old buf t:1 f:0 0000000001AF65F8, pos 0000000001AF65F8, size: 232 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 write new buf t:1 f:0 0000000001AF6A20, pos 0000000001AF6A20, size: 4 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 00000000007178C8, size: 10 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 write new buf t:1 f:0 0000000001AF6B40, pos 0000000001AF6B40, size: 10 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 00000000004E2438, size: 7 file: 0, size: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http write filter: l:1 f:1 s:263 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http write filter limit 0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 writev: 263 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http write filter 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http copy filter: 0 "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=&it=14&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http finalize request: 0, "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=&it=14&si=0&li=10" a:1, c:1 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 set http keepalive handler 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http close request 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http log handler 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 posix_memalign: 0000000001AF8B50:4096 @16 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 free: 0000000001AF6B40 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 free: 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 free: 0000000001AFF8D0, unused: 2 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 free: 0000000001AF5B30, unused: 88 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 free: 0000000001AF8B50, unused: 3764 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 event timer add: 14: 65000:1345167747406 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 free: 0000000001AFF3A0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 free: 0000000001AFEF90 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 hc free: 0000000000000000 0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 hc busy: 0000000000000000 0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 reusable connection: 1 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 post event 0000000001BCEDA8 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 delete posted event 0000000001BCEDA8 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http keepalive handler 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 malloc: 0000000001AFEF90:1024 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 recv: fd:14 -1 of 1024 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 recv() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 post event 0000000001BCEDA8 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 post event 0000000001BE8DB8 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 delete posted event 0000000001BE8DB8 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http empty handler 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 delete posted event 0000000001BCEDA8 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http keepalive handler 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 recv: fd:14 621 of 1024 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 reusable connection: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 malloc: 0000000001AFF3A0:1312 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 posix_memalign: 0000000001AFF8D0:4096 @16 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http process request line 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http request line: "GET /sites/all/instant/query.php?q=r&it=15&si=0&li=10 HTTP/1.1" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http uri: "/sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http args: "q=r&it=15&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http exten: "php" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http process request header line 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http header: "Host:" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http header: "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http header: "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_80) AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.57 Safari/537.1" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http header: "Accept: application/json, text/javascript, /; q=0.01" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http header: "Referer:" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http header: "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http header: "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: *27 http header: "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,;q=0.3" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http header: "X-Real-Forwarded-For:" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http header: "Cookie: SESS42bdb844c70469a9af0272bf361e8fdb=6XJlrqpv1DC5Ag-Fu8gel6RlDXQ3HKY4dcGTBwS-Ufc" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http header: "X-Varnish: 265971285" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http header done 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 event timer del: 14: 1345167747406 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 generic phase: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 rewrite phase: 1 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 test location: "/" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 test location: "favicon.ico" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 test location: "robots.txt" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 test location: ~ ".(txt|log)$" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: *27 test location: ~ "../._.php$" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 test location: ~ "files/styles" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 test location: ~ "^.+.(css|js|gif|png|jpg|jpeg|ico)$" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 test location: ~ "files/generate" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 test location: ~ ".php$" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 using configuration ".php$" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http cl:-1 max:104857600 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 rewrite phase: 3 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 rewrite phase: 4 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 post rewrite phase: 5 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 generic phase: 6 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 generic phase: 7 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 generic phase: 8 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 access phase: 9 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 access phase: 10 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 access phase: 11 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 access phase: 12 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 post access phase: 13 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 try files phase: 14 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 posix_memalign: 0000000001AF5B30:4096 @16 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http init upstream, client timer: 0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "SCRIPT_FILENAME" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "/var/www/beta" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "/sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "SCRIPT_FILENAME: /var/www/beta/sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "PATH_INFO" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "/sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "PATH_INFO: /sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "QUERY_STRING" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "q=r&it=15&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "QUERY_STRING: q=r&it=15&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "REQUEST_METHOD" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "GET" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "REQUEST_METHOD: GET" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "CONTENT_TYPE" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "CONTENT_TYPE: " 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "CONTENT_LENGTH" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "CONTENT_LENGTH: " 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "SCRIPT_FILENAME" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "/var/www/beta/sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "SCRIPT_FILENAME: /var/www/beta/sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "SCRIPT_NAME" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "/sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "SCRIPT_NAME: /sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "REQUEST_URI" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=r&it=15&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "REQUEST_URI: /sites/all/instant/query.php?q=r&it=15&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "DOCUMENT_URI" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "/sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "DOCUMENT_URI: /sites/all/instant/query.php" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "DOCUMENT_ROOT" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "/var/www/beta" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "DOCUMENT_ROOT: /var/www/beta" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "SERVER_PROTOCOL" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "HTTP/1.1" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "SERVER_PROTOCOL: HTTP/1.1" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "GATEWAY_INTERFACE" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "CGI/1.1" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "GATEWAY_INTERFACE: CGI/1.1" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "SERVER_SOFTWARE" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "nginx/" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "1.2.3" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "SERVER_SOFTWARE: nginx/1.2.3" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "REMOTE_ADDR" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "REMOTE_ADDR:" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "REMOTE_PORT" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "45449" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "REMOTE_PORT: 45449" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "SERVER_ADDR" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "SERVER_ADDR:" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "SERVER_PORT" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "8001" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "SERVER_PORT: 8001" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "SERVER_NAME" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "SERVER_NAME:" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "HTTPS" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script var: "" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "HTTPS: " 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "REDIRECT_STATUS" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http script copy: "200" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "REDIRECT_STATUS: 200" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "HTTP_HOST:" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH: XMLHttpRequest" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_0) AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.57 Safari/537.1" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "HTTP_ACCEPT: application/json, text/javascript, /_; q=0.01" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: _27 fastcgi param: "HTTP_REFERER:" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING: gzip,deflate,sdch" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE: en-US,en;q=0.8" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "HTTP_ACCEPTCHARSET: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,;q=0.3" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "HTTP_X_REAL_FORWARDED_FOR:" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "HTTP_COOKIE: SESS42bdb844c70469a9af0272bf361e8fdb=6XJlrqpv1DC5Ag-Fu8gel6RlDXQ3HKY4dcGTBwS-Ufc" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 fastcgi param: "HTTP_X_VARNISH: 265971285" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http cleanup add: 0000000001AF6260 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 get rr peer, try: 1 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 socket 15 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 epoll add connection: fd:15 ev:80000005 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 connect to, fd:15 #32 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream connect: -2 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 posix_memalign: 0000000001B008E0:128 @16 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 event timer add: 15: 60000:1345167742772 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http finalize request: -4, "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=r&it=15&si=0&li=10" a:1, c:2 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http request count:2 blk:0 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 post event 0000000001BE8E20 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 delete posted event 0000000001BE8E20 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream request: "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=r&it=15&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream send request handler 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream send request 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 chain writer buf fl:0 s:1264 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 chain writer in: 0000000001AF6298 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 writev: 1264 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 chain writer out: 0000000000000000 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 event timer del: 15: 1345167742772 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 event timer add: 15: 1200000:1345168882772 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 post event 0000000001BCEE10 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 post event 0000000001BE8E20 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 delete posted event 0000000001BE8E20 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream request: "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=r&it=15&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream dummy handler 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 delete posted event 0000000001BCEE10 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream request: "/sites/all/instant/query.php?q=r&it=15&si=0&li=10" 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 http upstream process header 2012/08/17 01:41:22 [debug] 19179#0: 27 malloc: 0000000001C02C90:32768 20

HMoen commented 12 years ago

I see that when it works, it outputs: fastcgi param: "SCRIPT_FILENAME: /var/www/beta/sites/all/instant/query.php"

When it doesn't, it outputs: fastcgi param: "SCRIPT_FILENAME: /var/www/beta/index.php"

HMoen commented 12 years ago

I appreciate any help!!

perusio commented 12 years ago

I'll go over your debug log this evening. I'll write back. Thx for your patience.

perusio commented 12 years ago

It has to be analised carefully.

HMoen commented 12 years ago

Thank you very much!!

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 29, 2012, at 11:27 AM, "António P. P. Almeida"<> wrote:

I'll go over your debug log this evening. I'll write back. Thx for your patience.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

perusio commented 12 years ago

The fix is quite simple, it's just that I overlooked it :( You got me on the right track. Thx. Try:

location ^~ /sites/all/instant/ {
    location ~ ^/sites/all/instant/(?:query|Document|Response)\.php$ {
        include fastcgi_drupal.conf;
        fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING $query_string;
        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME $fastcgi_script_name;
        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
        fastcgi_pass phpcgi;
HMoen commented 12 years ago

It works!!! THANK YOU. I'll let you know if I experience any snags.

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 29, 2012, at 7:23 PM, "António P. P. Almeida"<> wrote:

The fix is quite simple, it's just that I overlooked it :( You got me on the right track. Thx. Try:

location ^~ /sites/all/instant/ { location ~ ^/sites/all/instant/(?:query|Document|Response).php$ { include fastcgi_drupal.conf; fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING $query_string; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME $fastcgi_script_name; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; fastcgi_pass phpcgi; } }

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