Hello! I'd like to specify default caracter encoding UTF-8, to prevent garbled characters in Japanese.
It occurs on Linux(CentOS 7), when locale is "LANG=C" then Thymeleaf uses [ANSI_X3.4-1968] encoding.
Actually, this setting is the default in SakuraVPS (Japanese VPS provider), so that need to avoid this.
I hope the sparkjava to be easier to use with default settings.
Hello! I'd like to specify default caracter encoding UTF-8, to prevent garbled characters in Japanese.
It occurs on Linux(CentOS 7), when locale is "LANG=C" then Thymeleaf uses [ANSI_X3.4-1968] encoding. Actually, this setting is the default in SakuraVPS (Japanese VPS provider), so that need to avoid this. I hope the sparkjava to be easier to use with default settings.