perwendel / spark

A simple expressive web framework for java. Spark has a kotlin DSL
Apache License 2.0
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Message to community: Spark collaborator needed #1155

Open perwendel opened 4 years ago

perwendel commented 4 years ago

Hi all,

First I would like to apologize for the recent inactivity. There are several reasons but the main one is that I've started studying at the university again. I thought I would be able to handle both that on the Spark project but it's not been the case.

Therefore, I want to find someone that wants to join the Spark project in the role of both developer, designer and maintainer. I would continue to help with API design and approval (at least for a period).

If you're interested email me at and tell med a little bit about yourself.

Cheers, Per

1-alex98 commented 4 years ago

Maybe setting up some way to communicate gets more people into the project, was thinking of something like ... just an idea

stephanmg commented 4 years ago

So bottom line is that the project is not maintained currently anymore? I've looked at Spark because I might would consider it for a fun project I'm looking at right now. Otherwise maybe I need to go with React/JS Kotlin maybe. I really liked the idea of Spark though.

1-alex98 commented 4 years ago

There are other frameworks for java micro services tho. E.g.

stephanmg commented 4 years ago

@axel1200 is this a comparable alternative to spark?

1-alex98 commented 4 years ago

Well I guess so

valtteric commented 4 years ago

@stephanmg is for sure an alternative. However I do have a few quite serious projects currently running on spark, would be super good to hear if I should start planning migrating those to something else. Hope not, but that happens in the open source space. Hard way to learn to avoid tight coupling.

Typografikon commented 4 years ago

Microservices are trendy these days so there are many project targeting to similar usecase... In addition to you should also check and maybe also Anyway it will be nice to have some thorough comparison of java microframeworks.

I found these quick overviews:

Do anybody know more thorough comparisons?

BTW: I hope JavaSpark development will continue...!

MikeMitterer commented 4 years ago

Not to forget KTor:

Doogiemuc commented 3 years ago

This is a really interesting thread. I hope sparkjava will continue and find developers. I worked with most of the mentioned frameworks. They all have their pro's and con's sparkjava is by far the most simple one to use (and to learn!) On the other hand micronaut is the biggest and most complex one. Its more an alternative to spring.

1-alex98 commented 3 years ago

I agree. We taught Spark Java in the university programming course and it was perfect. It has a small documentation and is super easy to use.

andres-sacco commented 3 years ago

I want to participate as a contributor because I use this framework in some microservices. There are other options of lightweight frameworks but I think this in particular is very simple to understand.

Clivern commented 2 years ago

i would like to help here but seems PRs not reviewed anymore.

buckelieg commented 1 year ago

i would like to help here but seems PRs not reviewed anymore.

I think it is quite a bunch of people that want to continue developing this project. I think we should try to switch to this fork since its owner updates it regularly.