pesor / TTGO-T-HIGrow

The extremely good plant sensor named LILYGO TTGO-T-HIGrow, is here integrated into Home Assistant, via MQTT messages, that can be Autodiscovered, via the belonging Python program. The program supports both DHT sensors, the new BME280 sensor and the external soil temperature sensor.
MIT License
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Fix Broker Port in save-configuration.h #16

Open Willi66 opened 3 years ago

Willi66 commented 3 years ago

error in save-configuration.h in line 77 mqttClient.setServer(broker, 1883); must be mqttClient.setServer(broker, port); port is fixed 1883 instead of variable "port" in user-variables.h my server works on 1884 so I find this

in go-to-deep-sleep.h in line 7 writeFile(SPIFFS, "/error.log", "Going to sleep for 10800 seconds \n"); is fixed 10800 and not the variable "TIME_TO_SLEEP" in user-variables.h

line 32 Serial.println(" sekunder"); must be Serial.println(" seconds");

pesor commented 3 years ago

You are right, will be changed in next release, primo June.

pesor commented 3 years ago

I have committet your change, so it is corrected.


Willi66 commented 3 years ago


ppetermann commented 3 years ago

I guess you haven't pushed it yet?

pesor commented 3 years ago

I am not so experienced in Github, so I have to find out how to push it.
