pesor / TTGO-T-HIGrow

The extremely good plant sensor named LILYGO TTGO-T-HIGrow, is here integrated into Home Assistant, via MQTT messages, that can be Autodiscovered, via the belonging Python program. The program supports both DHT sensors, the new BME280 sensor and the external soil temperature sensor.
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TTGO HiGrow with BME280 #3

Closed leeandy1 closed 3 years ago

leeandy1 commented 3 years ago

I have just picked up 2 HiGrow boards and both have BME280 sensors onboard which are reporting null values. Both a version 1.1 boards 19-8-22.

How do I get these sensors to report values?

pesor commented 3 years ago

There are no BME280 sensors on the boards, in the original program from LILYGO they referenced the BME280, but it is not there.

The code now have taken that into account, and therefore it will not (and cannot) report data from a nonexisting BME280.

leeandy1 commented 3 years ago


Thanks for the response. This is a picture of the board I have. As you can see there is no DHT11 sensor. I understand the BME280 sensor is circled in red? Please do correct me if I am wrong.

BeardedTinker commented 3 years ago

I've just ordered one of those - looks like there is now BEM280 version available too... image

But it will take few weeks for this to arrive.

leeandy1 commented 3 years ago

Just to confirm firmware V4.0.6 appears to all function correctly for all other sensors. I currently have the board running to test battery life and will report back. I purchased the full kit with housing and battery. I am happy to assist with any testing you require but would advise I am fairly new to this.

pesor commented 3 years ago

I will look into this.

The DHT sensor is discontinued, so I will order one with BEM280, and correct the coding to include BEM280 also.

pesor commented 3 years ago

I have just ordered on module from AliExpress, will amend coding when received.

leeandy1 commented 3 years ago

That's great to hear. If you need any help testing give me a shout.

pesor commented 3 years ago

I also have ordered the BME280 chip it self, in order to try to solder it onto the board.

There are som confusing in the naming, some Call it BEM280, others Call it BME280, anyone knows why?

pesor commented 3 years ago

@leeandy1 thanks for confirming, that the boards works with the soil and salt sensor.

leeandy1 commented 3 years ago

@pesor I believe it is a BME280, not sure why some people call it a BEM280 - maybe a typo?

My board has currently been running for 16 on a 200mAh battery and is reporting 97% left using your sleep settings. I need to take a look at boot count and sleep count as I think these are mixed up somehow. Boot count is 16 but sleep count is 0. Does your sleep routine effectively make the board boot each time it comes out of sleep?

pesor commented 3 years ago

I have changed my interval to 3 hours DeepSleep to prolong the battery life.

Boot count is everytime the module starts normally after a normal deepSleep.

Sleep count, is when the module takes a 5 minutes DeepSleep, when something has gone wrong in the run. Like eg no network or mqtt connection. Zero is good, it should always be zero, otherwise the module do not run properly.

The battery date counter does not work properly, I am working on that.

When the module goes out of sleep, it follows the EPS32 standard, I just names it boot count by choise/coincidence.

When waking up from sleep, it fetches some variables stored, ad in a real boot these variables vil always be zero.

elecoq129 commented 3 years ago

I will look into this.

The DHT sensor is discontinued, so I will order one with BEM280, and correct the coding to include BEM280 also.

On my side, I have order a pair DHT22 (white plastic packaging). I will do the soldering as soon as it arrives in replacement of the very cheap DHT11

pesor commented 3 years ago

The DHT22 should work, if not, I will solder one (I have Them) to a module and check coding.

pesor commented 3 years ago

I am my self not totally sure if the sleep5counter works, as I have not yet seen a count > 0, i implemented it because I at a certain point had an unexplainable battery drain.

elecoq129 commented 3 years ago

I am my self not totally sure if the sleep5counter works, as I have not yet seen a count > 0, i implemented it because I at a certain point had an unexplainable battery drain.

To be honest, not really needed, as bootCount is much enough

pesor commented 3 years ago

@elecoq129 As this is not really connected to the BME enhancement I will delete our conversation.

Is that OK with you?

elecoq129 commented 3 years ago

@elecoq129 As this is not really connected to the BME enhancement I will delete our conversation.

Is that OK with you?

Absolutely agree: network configuration issue. Thanks again for your time & effort. Did you receive you device for testing the DS18B20 UART port?

pesor commented 3 years ago

The BME280 and temp sensor er on it’s way from China

elecoq129 commented 3 years ago

The BME280 and temp sensor er on it’s way from China

one more question now on the autodiscovery configuration. When you say: T_he downloaded folder Autodiscovery, you copy to Home Assistant config folder (where you have your configuration.yaml)__

Do you mean copy the contents of the autodiscovery into config from HomeAssistant or you have to create also the directory structure and the files?

pesor commented 3 years ago


Actually, the placement of the autodiscover folder, can be of your own choice, as it sadly can not run inside Home-Assistant .

You need to have the sensors folder, and the sensor.yaml in that folder.

In the sensor.yaml, you erase all but the first 4 lines, and a blank 5th line.

You run the, as you normally would run a Python script.

I use the EDI - Eric6, that is a fantastic Python EDI.

elecoq129 commented 3 years ago


I assume that You have to run the script in the win10 machines that runs HomeAssistant? If I manyuall chage the mac information in the sensor.yaml, that would not be enough for HomeAssistant to get the information from the sensor?

pesor commented 3 years ago


I have moved your last question to a new Issue:

I am happy to answer any questions, but I prefer that a new issue is created whenever there is a question about functionality of the module.

leeandy1 commented 3 years ago

@pesor just a bit of an update on battery usage. Currently the device has been running for 146 hours and I still have 62% battery left. I'm using the 200mAh battery that's included in the kit from LilyGo.

ericsebastion commented 3 years ago

I just purchased the BME280 version and i cant find where to download the arduino file for this new 4.x version I was redirected to. I used the old version and the soil part shows up as working in the serial monitor but the mqtt wont connect and I don't see the temp and humid readings. Any help would be appreciated. I'm trying to use this in Home Assistant also if that helps clarify.

pesor commented 3 years ago

just purchased the BME280 version and i cant find where to download the arduino file for this new 4.x version I was redirected to. I used the old version and the soil part shows up as working in the serial monitor but the mqtt wont connect and I don't see the temp and humid readings. Any help would be appreciated. I'm trying to use this in Home Assistant also if that helps clarify.

I have moved this issue to a new issue here:

LucasVos commented 3 years ago

I have the BME280 version as well.. Any news on the code changes for the readouts? Thanx!

pesor commented 3 years ago


I am still waiting to receive it, but when I do, it will take a week to program and implement.

prominence-paper commented 3 years ago

@elecoq129 As this is not really connected to the BME enhancement I will delete our conversation. Is that OK with you?

Absolutely agree: network configuration issue. Thanks again for your time & effort. Did you receive you device for testing the DS18B20 UART port?

Are you getting any readings from the DS18B20 soil temp sensor using v4.2.x firmware?